O que mais me impressiona neste conjunto arquitectónico do Duomo, do Campanario de Giotto e do Batistério são os detalhes, uma janela é decorada com uma moldura de mármore de duas cores e uma porta tem relevos históricos. No caso do batistério as Portas de Ghiberti são dignas de visita e nem tens que pagar para vê-las porque estão do lado de fora mesmo em frente á entrada do Duomo.
What impresses me most about this architectural ensemble of the Duomo, together with the Giotto's Bell Tower and the Baptistery are the details, a window frame is decorated with a marble in two colors and a door has historical reliefs. In the case of the baptistery the Ghiberti doors are worth visiting and one doesn't have to pay to see them because they are outside in front of the Duomo's main entrance.
E foi pelo o seu exterior que começámos a visita, foi complicado chegar até a estas portas uma multidão bloqueava a passagem numa mistura de pessoas a tentarem fotografar a fachada do Duomo ou a contemplar a riqueza dos detalhes da porta, tentando entender a história que quer contar como se de um livro se tratasse. A Porta do Paraíso como lhe chamam (dizem que foi o próprio Michelangelo que lhes pôs o nome) representam cenas do Novo Testamento.
Só depois fomos comprar as entradas, tivémos que ir á OPA (que fica na mesma praça do Batistério mas do lado oposto á porta de entrada) onde comprámos os bilhetes que custam 6€ cada um. Pode parecer cara mas está combinada com a visita ao Museu do Duomo e também é verdade que assim que quando entrei no bastistério já nem me lembrava que paguei para entrar, estava demasiado ocupada a tentar fechar a boca enquanto via o fantástico tecto decorado com mosaicos retratando cenas dos ambos Testamentos uma delas a do Julgamento Final.
And it was at its exterior we started the tour, it was difficult to get to these doors a crowd blocked the passage in a mixture of people trying to photograph the facade of the Duomo or to contemplate the richness of the details of the door, trying to understand the story it wants to tell as if it were a book. The Gate of Paradise as they call it (say Michelangelo was himself put his name to them) represent scenes from the New Testament.
Only after we went to buy the tickets, we had to go to the OPA (which is on the same square but the Baptistery opposite the door entrance) where we bought tickets costing 6€ each. It may seem expensive but it is combined with a visit to the Museum of the Duomo and it is also true that as soon as I entered the bastistério not even remember what I paid to get in, I was too busy trying to close my mouth while watching the fantastic ceiling decorated with mosaics depicting scenes of both Testaments one of which the Final Judgment.
Only after we went to buy the tickets, we had to go to the OPA (which is on the same square but the Baptistery opposite the door entrance) where we bought tickets costing 6€ each. It may seem expensive but it is combined with a visit to the Museum of the Duomo and it is also true that as soon as I entered the bastistério not even remember what I paid to get in, I was too busy trying to close my mouth while watching the fantastic ceiling decorated with mosaics depicting scenes of both Testaments one of which the Final Judgment.
Tentamos equilibrar o esforço do pescoço de tanto olhar para cima procurando outros detalhes igualmente importantes como por exemplo a pia baptismal onde (talvez) baptizaram Dante. Também impressiona o túmulo de mármore do Antipapa João XXIII (que morreu em Florença no século XV) criado por Donatello.
Posso dizer que ficámos quase tanto tempo no batistério que no interior do Duomo, é realmente impressionante.
We try to balance neck strain from looking up by browsing through other equally important details such as the font where Dante might have been baptized. It also impresses the marble tomb of Antipope John XXIII (who died in Florence in the fifteenth century) created by Donatello.
I can say that we spent almost as much time in the baptistery as inside the Duomo, it's really impressive.
I can say that we spent almost as much time in the baptistery as inside the Duomo, it's really impressive.
Our guide of:
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