Passava pelo Yoy sempre que ia da Praça da Chueca em direcção ao Mercado de San Antón, sempre me despertou a curiosidade mas estava sempre cheio. Que os gelados de iogurte (ou o frozen yogurt) estão na moda ninguém tem dúvidas e a Yoy é uma catedral dedicada a essa nova maneira de comer gelados que gera debates sobre se realmente são mais saudáveis ou não, se são mais calóricos ou não.I would pass by Yoy when going from Plaza Chueca towards the Mercado de San Antón, I've always been curious but it was always full. The ice cream yogurt (or frozen yogurt) is in fashion and no one doubts Yoy is a cathedral dedicated to this new way of eating ice cream that generates debates about whether they really are healthier or not, whether or not they are more caloric.
Aqui garantem-te que são 100% orgânicos e com 0% de gordura o que te ajuda com o sentimento de culpa, claro está que depois de escolher o sabor do iogurte (morango, natural, chocolate) as calorias vão somando á medida que escolhemos os toppings.
Eu escolhi um iogurte natural com dois toppings (3,5€), a base é óptima dos melhores que já comi depois a mistura que fiz de toppings não funcionou muito bem não por culpa dos ingredientes mas porque são sabores que não se misturam muito bem.
Mas nem só de iogurtes vive o Yoy, podemos comer bolo á fatia (e que boa pinta têm), beber um smoothy ou um batido, etc..
O espaço é original e como eles próprios dizem "cool", tens balouços e peças vintage para que fiques ali a comer o teu Yoy.
Here they ensure you that the yogurts are 100% organic and with 0% fat which helps you with the feeling of guilt, it is clear that after choosing the flavor of yogurt (strawberry, natural, chocolate) the calories will keep adding up as we choose toppings.
I chose a natural yogurt with two toppings (€ 3.5), the base is great one of the best I've ever eaten but the mixture of toppings that did not work very well through no fault of ingredients it was just because they didn't mix well .
But they don't only have yogurts, we can eat a slice of cake (and good looks have), drink a smoothy or a milkshake, etc. ..
The space is unique and as they themselves say "cool", you have swings and vintage pieces for you to stay there to eat your Yoy.
I chose a natural yogurt with two toppings (€ 3.5), the base is great one of the best I've ever eaten but the mixture of toppings that did not work very well through no fault of ingredients it was just because they didn't mix well .
But they don't only have yogurts, we can eat a slice of cake (and good looks have), drink a smoothy or a milkshake, etc. ..
The space is unique and as they themselves say "cool", you have swings and vintage pieces for you to stay there to eat your Yoy.
Morada: Calle Barbieri 26
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