É um dos símbolos de França e está no top 20 de monumentos visitados no país conseguindo atrair mais de um milhão de visitantes todos os anos. Tinha alguma curiosidade em ver como seria, sempre tinha ouvido falar na ilha que temos que ter cuidado com as marés para poder entrar, uma maravilha arquitectónica da época medieval que simplesmente tínhamos que visitar. Tudo começou com uma pequena igreja (ano 788) que celebrava a aparição do Arcanjo S. Miguel o bispo de Avranches quis construir num ponto alto da região.
It is one of the symbols of France and is in the top 20 of most visited monuments in the country managing to attract over a million visitors every year. Had some curiosity to see how it would be, had always heard of the island that we have to be careful of the tides in order to get in, an architectural marvel of medieval times that we just had to visit. It started with a small church (788 years) that celebrated the appearance of the Archangel Michael that Bishop of Avranches wanted to build a high point of the region.
Website: http://www.ot-montsaintmichel.com/index.htm
Nós decidimos andar até ao Monte em vez de apanhar o autocarro é um passeio agradável até lá e pouco a pouco se vai revelando, as suas muralhas e casas de traçado medieval que te transportam no tempo transformando-te em peregrino, talvez não venhas pela religião mas queres fazer parte de este mundo do Mont St-Michel que parece que parou no século XV e resistiu ao exército inglês na Guerra dos Cem anos.
Fomos quando a maré estava vazia, foi interessante mas gostaria também de saber como será quando está cheia, quando o mar está agreste e quando a neblina lhe dá um toque de mistério. Mas estava bom tempo, uma brisa fresca ajudava a enfrentar o calor e lá subimos a Grand Rue para chegar á Abadia e a La Merveille. Em todos os aspectos estamos na presença de uma maravilha arquitectónica que se conservou ao longo dos séculos. Vale mesmo a pena a sua visita e podem ver algumas dicas na nossa pequena (e humilde) guia (ver link abaixo).
We decided to walk up to the Mount instead of taking the bus is a nice walk up there and little by little it reveals itself, its walls and medieval layout houses that transport you in time turning you into a pilgrim, perhaps you do not come for religion but you want to be part of this world of Mont St-Michel that seems to have stopped in the fifteenth century as it resisted the British army in the War of the Hundred years.
We went when the tide was empty, it was interesting but I would also like to know how it would be when it is full, when the sea is rough and when the fog gives it a touch of mystery. But we had good weather, a cool breeze helped to face the heat and up we went into the Grand Rue to get to the Abbey and La Merveille. In all aspects we are dealing with an architectural wonder that has been preserved over the centuries. It is worth your visit and can see some tips in our small (and humble) guide (see link below).
We went when the tide was empty, it was interesting but I would also like to know how it would be when it is full, when the sea is rough and when the fog gives it a touch of mystery. But we had good weather, a cool breeze helped to face the heat and up we went into the Grand Rue to get to the Abbey and La Merveille. In all aspects we are dealing with an architectural wonder that has been preserved over the centuries. It is worth your visit and can see some tips in our small (and humble) guide (see link below).
Website: http://www.ot-montsaintmichel.com/index.htm
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