Saiu há pouco tempo uma noticia sobre o Big Ben leva quinze dias com seis segundos de atraso. Uma falha grave para quem se orgulha de dar a hora correcta, exata nem um segundo mais nem um segundo menos. Essa importância do Big Ben que é talvez o relógio e campanário mais famoso do mundo. E eu sempre que vou a Londres tento vê-lo, não para acertar o meu relógio mas porque acho que é uma excelente obra da arquitetura e nunca me canso de admirá-lo (quando posso claro).
Not so long ago there was a news about Big Ben that for fifteen days has a six second delay. A serious flaw for who is proud to give the correct, exact time not a second more or one second less. That is Big Ben's importance it is perhaps the most famous clock and bell tower in the world. And whenever I go to London I try to see it, not to set my watch but because I do think it is a great work of architecture and never get tired of admiring it (when I can of course).
O nome oficial é desde 2012 Torre Elizabeth em comemoração do Diamond Jubilee da Rainha Isabel II, dizem que a partir de Setembro deste ano se tornará o Reinado mais longo da história de Inglaterra ultrapassando a Rainha Vitória. Foi construída em 1858 e tem cerca de 96 metros de altura. Faz parte do Palácio de Westminster lugar do Parlamento, este último podemos visitar (apenas em horários selecionados e visitas guiadas) mas a Torre em si não mas podemos sempre esperar pelas badaladas com o passar das horas.
O impressionante Palácio de Westminster foi reconstruído no final do seculo XIX depois de ter sido destruido por um grande incêndio. É aqui que na House of Commons e a dos Lords se discute o futuro da Grã Bretanha. A obra actual e extraordinária, com um estilo gótico revivalista tem detalhes impressionantes e uma das melhores maneiras de apreciá-lo é subir ao London Eye ou atravessar a Westminster Bridge e vê-lo do outro lado do Tâmisa.
A principal torre é a Victoria Tower com quase noventa e nove metros de altura sendo mais alta que o Big Ben, podemos apreciá-la sentados no jardim de Abingdon Street onde encontramos os jornalista a entrevistar especialistas politicos tendo o Palácio como pano de fundo.
The official name since 2012 is Elizabeth Tower to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, they say that from September this year it will become the longest reign of England's history surpassing Queen Victoria. It was built in 1858 and has about 96 meters high. Is part of the Palace of Westminster the seat of Parliament, that can be visited (only in selected and guided tours hours) but the tower itself does not but we can always wait for the chimes with each passing hour.The impressive Palace of Westminster was rebuilt at the end of the nineteenth century after being destroyed by a major fire. This is where the House of Commons and the Lords discuss the future of Britain. The current and extraordinary work, with a revivalist Gothic style has impressive detail and one of the best ways to enjoy it is up from the London Eye or pass the Westminster Bridge and see it across the river Thames.The main tower is the Victoria Tower with almost ninety-nine meters tall and taller than Big Ben, we can enjoy it sitting on Abingdon Street garden where we find news reporters interviewing political experts with the Palace as a backdrop.
The official name since 2012 is Elizabeth Tower to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, they say that from September this year it will become the longest reign of England's history surpassing Queen Victoria. It was built in 1858 and has about 96 meters high. Is part of the Palace of Westminster the seat of Parliament, that can be visited (only in selected and guided tours hours) but the tower itself does not but we can always wait for the chimes with each passing hour.The impressive Palace of Westminster was rebuilt at the end of the nineteenth century after being destroyed by a major fire. This is where the House of Commons and the Lords discuss the future of Britain. The current and extraordinary work, with a revivalist Gothic style has impressive detail and one of the best ways to enjoy it is up from the London Eye or pass the Westminster Bridge and see it across the river Thames.The main tower is the Victoria Tower with almost ninety-nine meters tall and taller than Big Ben, we can enjoy it sitting on Abingdon Street garden where we find news reporters interviewing political experts with the Palace as a backdrop.
Metro: Westminster
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