"...Then a slice of tomato, a leaf of lettuce and a patty of ground beef so exquisite, swirling in your mouth, breaking apart and combining again in a fugue of sweets and savor so delightful. This is no mere sandwich of grilled meat and toasted bread, Robin. This is God, speaking to us in food." Tive que começar este post com o Marshall do How I Met Your Mother, principalmente porque adoro o final em que Deus fala através da comida. E acho que ele deve ser o conselheiro da Patty & Bun porque têm uns hambuguers muito mas muito bons.
"... Then a slice of tomato, a leaf of lettuce and a patty of ground beef so exquisite, swirling in your mouth, breaking apart and combining again in a fugue of sweets and savor so delightful. This is no mere sandwich of grilled meat and toasted bread, Robin. This is God, speaking to us in food. "I had to start this post with Marshall How I Met Your Mother, mainly because I love the end where God speaks through food. And I think he can be the counselor of Patty & Bun because they have very very good burgers.
Não sendo a experiência mais romântica para um casal, a verdade é que para mim os hamburguers têm que ser assim, molho que cai por todo o lado, uma carne saborosa, um cheddar derretido na perfeição e algum outro extra como cebola ou bacon para acrescentar sabor, quando o melhor é algo básico não vale a pena ter uma carta muito grande e é por isso que no Patty & Bun só encontramos seis variedades. Eu provei a Smokey Robinson e estava óptimo. Pedimos batatas fritas e uma coleslaw, esta última foi a desilusão da noite. O restaurante é muito apertado e barulhento, nem consegui reparar na decoração porque fomos jantar e tem pouca luz. O serviço é descontraído e não é muito caro para preços de Londres, um hambuguer com batatas pode custar 10 libras.
Not being the most romantic experience for a couple, the truth is that for me the hamburgers have to be that way, sauce falling everywhere, tasty flesh, a cheddar melted in perfection and some other extras like onions or bacon to add flavor, when the best is something basic is not worth it to have a very big menu and that's why the Patty & Bun you findd only six varieties. I tasted the Smokey Robinson and was great. We ordered fries and coleslaw, the latter was the evening's disappointment. The restaurant is very cramped and noisy, I could not even notice the decoration because we went there dining and its quite dark in there. The service is relaxed and is not too expensive for London prices, hambuguer with potatoes can cost 10 pounds.
Website: http://pattyandbun.co.uk/
Morada: James Street 54
Metro: Bond Street
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