Ainda nos restava tempo no nosso ticket do bus turistico, decidimos utilizá-lo antes de jantar a passear por Barcelona mas há noite. Percorremos a outra linha, a azul que apanhámos no Paseig de Grácia.
Esta época de Dezembro também é interessante para visitar Barcelona, a cidade enche-se de luz por causa da "Navidad" e se já tinha encanto, só o vem reforçar.
Still time left in our tour bus ticket, we decided to use it before dinner strolling around Barcelona but overnight. We went through the other line, the blue that we caught in Paseig of Gracia.
This December season is also interesting to visit Barcelona, the city is filled with lights because of "Navidad" (Christmas) and if it already had charm, this only reinforces it.
This December season is also interesting to visit Barcelona, the city is filled with lights because of "Navidad" (Christmas) and if it already had charm, this only reinforces it.