Procurávamos em Puerto del Carmen um restaurante para almoçar, por todo lado víamos sitios preparados para cobrir todas as necessidades turisticas com comida mexicana, pizzas, hamburguers, wok , etc.. Buscávamos algo mais autêntico, comida da ilha nem que fosse numa tasca fora do mapa turistico. Falando com um taxista recomendou-nos ir ao porto e deu-nos dois nomes: Lonja e a Confradia de Pescadores. Escolhemos o último e não nos arrependemos.
We looked in Puerto del Carmen a restaurant for lunch, we saw sites everywhere prepared to cover all the tourist needs with Mexican food, pizza, burgers, wok etc. .. We were looking for something more authentic food from the island even if it was in a tavern off the tourist map. Talking to a taxi driver he advised us to go to the port and gave us two names: Lonja and Confradia Fishermen. We chose the latter and did not regret it.