Construída no final dos anos 20 pela ocasião da Feira Mundial que Sevilha partilhou data com Barcelona, a Praça de Espanha foi dos locais que visitámos hoje nesta cidade que mais me marcou.
A sua dimensão, a sua imponência mas creio que o que mais entusiasma é o detalhe. Como os dois "heraldos" adornam o edificio (ver 2ª foto), não percebi muito bem o que eram pela descrição deu-me a entender que era como assistentes ou secretários de membros da nobreza, eram mensageiros, jornalistas da época (talvez a inspiração para nomes de jornais como The Herald), organizam a logistica que envolviam as festas da época...eram "party planners" talvez.
Built in the late 20s by the time of the Seville World Fair date the city shared with Barcelona, the Spanish square was one of the places we visited today in this city that struck me the most.
Its size, its magnificence but I think what is the most exciting is the detail. Like the two "heralds" adorn the building (see 2nd foto) do not quite understand what was the description led me to believe that they were like as assistants or secretaries of members of the nobility, they were messengers, journalists of the time (perhaps the inspiration for the names of journals as The Herald), organized the logistics involving the parties of the time ... so they were "party planners" maybe.
Its size, its magnificence but I think what is the most exciting is the detail. Like the two "heralds" adorn the building (see 2nd foto) do not quite understand what was the description led me to believe that they were like as assistants or secretaries of members of the nobility, they were messengers, journalists of the time (perhaps the inspiration for the names of journals as The Herald), organized the logistics involving the parties of the time ... so they were "party planners" maybe.
E uma curiosidade, para quem viu o Stars Wars - Episódio II, há uma cena que representa o planeta Naboo que foi filmada neste mesmo corredor onde tirei esta foto. É demonstrativo da beleza da praça para ser utilizada para representar um planeta no mundo de George Lucas.
Os pormenores importam aqui, cada um com a sua história e juntos fazem este grande puzzle representativo de Espanha que é a praça como por exemplo os bancos de azulejos representam todas as provincias espanholas alinhadas alfabéticamente.
Em pleno calor Andaluz, visitar a Plaza de Espanha foi uma lufada de ar fresco.
And a curiosity, for those who saw Stars Wars - Episode II, there is a scene that represents the planet Naboo which was filmed in the same hall where I took this photo. It is demonstrative of the beauty of the square to be used to represent a planet in the world of George Lucas.
The details matter here, each with its history and together make this great puzzle representative of what Spain is all about like the tile seats representing all Spanish provinces aligned alphabetically.
In the heat Andaluz, visit the Plaza of Spain was a breath of fresh air.
The details matter here, each with its history and together make this great puzzle representative of what Spain is all about like the tile seats representing all Spanish provinces aligned alphabetically.
In the heat Andaluz, visit the Plaza of Spain was a breath of fresh air.
Lindíssima, já conheço. Infelizmente as fotos que bati e que ficaram excelentes apagaram no celular,