Hoje conhecemos...o restaurante Colares Velho.
Descobri este restaurante num guia da revista Sábado, a sua realidade correspondia letra a letra com tudo o que o jornalista tinha escrito. Acho que é uma pérola muito bem guardada pelos mistérios da velha Sintra que ainda é capaz de nos surpreender.
E como eu estava a precisar de um almocinho assim...ainda me lembro do primeiro dia que vim a este restaurante, precisamente na semana em que o vi no guia, o nosso filho fez uma birra daquelas e mal conseguimos comer. Mas voltámos tal como tínhamos prometido, fomos na nossa Vespa dar um passeio por Sintra e tivémos que parar aqui.
Today we discovered ... the restaurant Colares Velho.
I found this restaurant in a guide of the Sábado magazine, its actually matched everything the journalist had written. I think it's a pearl guarded by the mysteries of old Sintra that is still capable of surprising us.
And I really was in need of a nice lunch like this ... I still remember the first day I came to this restaurant, the very week I saw in the guide, our son had a tantrum and we barely ate. But we came back as we had promised, we went on our Vespa for a ride through Sintra and we had to stop here.
Our guide of:
I found this restaurant in a guide of the Sábado magazine, its actually matched everything the journalist had written. I think it's a pearl guarded by the mysteries of old Sintra that is still capable of surprising us.
And I really was in need of a nice lunch like this ... I still remember the first day I came to this restaurant, the very week I saw in the guide, our son had a tantrum and we barely ate. But we came back as we had promised, we went on our Vespa for a ride through Sintra and we had to stop here.

É o tipo de restaurante que vos conquista logo á entrada, pela sua decoração e charme, depois há a simpatia de quem lá trabalha e a comida, sem dúvida a comida. Aquele toque caseiro misturado com gourmet,e o pão...ai aquele pãozinho...os ovos mexidos com farinheira e os filetinho de polvo com açorda, tenho...água...na boca ainda!
It's the kind of restaurant that conquers you right at the entrance, it's decoration and charm, then there's the sympathy who works there and the food, undoubtedly the food. That homemade mixed with gourmet touch, and the bread...that bread... the scrambled eggs with sausage (farinheira) and "açorda" with octopus, I still have ...water ... in my mouth!
I recommend it... a lot!
I recommend it... a lot!

Morada: Largo da Igreja em Colares
Our guide of:
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