Localizado na Praça de Quinconces, o monumento em memória dos girondinos é composto por uma coluna com uma escultura em bronze e duas grandes fontes aos seus pés. Os Girondinos eram um grupo político da época da Revolução Francesa e objectivo deste monumento é prestar homenagem aos políticos que foram perseguidos e executados durante a época do Reino do Terror.
Located in the Plaza de Quinconces, the monument in memory of the Girondins consists of a column with a bronze sculpture and two large fountains at its feet. The Girondins were a political group of the era of the French Revolution and purpose of this monument is to honor the politicians who were persecuted and executed during the time of the Reign of Terror.
Located in the Plaza de Quinconces, the monument in memory of the Girondins consists of a column with a bronze sculpture and two large fountains at its feet. The Girondins were a political group of the era of the French Revolution and purpose of this monument is to honor the politicians who were persecuted and executed during the time of the Reign of Terror.
A estátua em bronze no topo do monumento representa o espírito da Liberdade, tem 43 metros de altura e podemos ver na sua mão direita uma corrente partida. Foi construído entre 1893 e 1902, na sua base estão duas fontes ambas em bronze, uma representa o Triunfo da Liberdade e a outra a Concórdia. Aos seus pés uma quadriga com cavalos-peixe.
The bronze statue atop the monument represents the spirit of Liberty, is 43 meters high and can be seen in her right hand a broken chain. It was built between 1893 and 1902, at its base are two fountains both in bronze, one represents the triumph of freedom and the other to Concordia. At his feet one chariot with horses-fish.
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