Esta rua é tão mítica que quando cheguei fiquei a pensar porquê tanta fama. Não é tanto pelo seu tamanho, pelo encanto dos edificios e nem sequer vês tantos homens de negócios a passar por ali mas sabes que estás perto da New York Stock Exchange e sabes que sem dar-te conta, milhões de dólares estão a ser transacionados ali dentro entre computadores, números e papéis enquanto a rua em si está tranquila.
This street is so mythical that when I got there I wondered why it is so famous. Not so much by its size, by the charm of the buildings you see and there is not many businessmen going around but you know you're near the New York Stock Exchange and know that without even noticing, millions of dollars are being transacted there in between computers, numbers and paper while the street itself is quiet.

Ao entrar fui olhando para trás para ver a Trinity Church a afastar-se, passámos pelo Federal Hall onde está uma estátua de George Washington, um dos pais da Nação e da Constituição Americana que tomou posse como primeiro Presidente dos EUA no local onde se encontra o actual edificio.
Vimos em filmes, vimos nas noticias, nas manifestações mas é sempre diferente vê-la ao vivo, ver os seus elegantes edifícios símbolos do poder económico que se concentra numa zona com meia dúzia de ruas e muitos arranha-céus.
Upon entering I was looking back seing the Trinity Church moving away, we passed the Federal Hall where there was a statue of George Washington, one of the fathers of the nation and the American Constitution took office as the first President of the USA in the same spot where the current building is.
We have seen in the movies, we saw on the news, in the demonstrations but is always different to see it live to see its elegant buildings symbols of economic power that is concentrated in an area with half a dozen streets and many skyscrapers.
We have seen in the movies, we saw on the news, in the demonstrations but is always different to see it live to see its elegant buildings symbols of economic power that is concentrated in an area with half a dozen streets and many skyscrapers.

Metro: Wall Street
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