Finalmente consegui conhecer a cidade que nunca dorme e fui uma semana ainda assim achei pouco. É verdadeiramente fantástica a sua arquitectura, a sua vida diurna e nocturna, os seus museus, os nova-iorquinos (para o bem e para o mal), a sua energia, os seus espaços verdes e a sua gastronomia. Espero conseguir voltar alguma vez mais até lá fica aqui o nosso guia para recordar esses sitios que gostámos de conhecer e algumas dicas que espero que sejam úteis.
Finally I got to know the city that never sleeps and went one week that I still found it was little time. It is truly fantastic because of its architecture, its day and night life, museums, New Yorkers (for good and for bad), its energy, its green spaces and its gastronomy. I hope to get back there until then here is our guide to remember these places that we liked to discover and some tips that I hope will be useful.
:: See & Do :: Eat & Drink :: Shop :: Others :: Sleep :: Mapa ::
See & Do
The High Line Central Park
Rockefeller Lower Plaza Top of the Rock
Bryant Park Union Square
Saint Thomas Church Little Italy
Quinta Avenida Times Square
Wall Street Touro de Wall Street
Trinity Church 9/11 Memorial
Ferry Staten Island Trump Tower
Observation Deck - Empire State Building Perry Street - Casa Carrie Bradshaw
Brooklyn Bridge Chinatown
Eat & Drink
L'Arte del Gelato Meatball Shop
Joe's Shanghai Eileen's Special Cheesecake
Burger Joint Brooklyn Bagel & Coffee Company
Pret A Manger White Horse Tavern
Doughnut Plant Route 66
Pure Thaicook House The Magnolia Bakery
Anthropologie Eataly
FAO Schwarz m&m's Store
Citi bike Broadway show: Pippin
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