Começámos a nossa caminhada pela Quinta Avenida de manhã subindo desde a 29th Street até ao Central Park. Estava relativamente tranquila, sem muita gente e grande parte dos carros que passavam eram taxis. Ia olhando para todos os lados á procura das pessoas glamourosas que vês no filmes e que supostamente passeiam por aqui, talvez fosse da hora ou da ilusão que os filmes te criam. A importância de esta avenida está em grande parte na grande quantidade de edificios emblemáticos de Nova Iorque para além de algumas famosas lojas como a Tiffany, a Harry Winston, a Saks, a Bergdorf Goodman, a Apple e a FAO Schwarz.
We started our walk down Fifth Avenue in the morning going up from 29th Street to Central Park. It was relatively quiet, without a crowd of people and most of the passing cars were taxis. Was looking at all sides looking for the glamorous people you see in movies and supposedly go wandering around here, maybe it was the time or the illusion that the movies créate in you. The importance of this avenue is largely in the group of iconic buildings in New York as well as some famous stores like Tiffany, Harry Winston, Saks, Bergdorf Goodman, Apple and FAO Schwarz.
Alguns desses edificios emblemáticos caracterizam-se pela sua arquitectura e como marcaram a história da cidade, como o Empire State Building, o Rockefeller Center, o New York Public Library e o Flatiron. Mais á frente e passando o Central Park estão dois importantes museus, um é o Metropolitan Museum of Art e o outro o Guggenheim com estilos arquitectónicos tão diferentes mas que enriquecem o panorama da avenida.
Também aqui podes ver a Catedral de St. Patrick de estilo neo-gótico que na altura da nossa visita estava com obras de recuperação, celebravam uma missa dedicada a canonização do Papa João Paulo II entre andaimes e plásticos. Um pouco mais á frente está a Igreja de Saint Thomas.
Isto significa que se percorres a Quinta Avenida já estás a visitar uma boa parte dos lugares que te recomendam os guias sem fazer desvios ou perder o rumo, tem tanto para ver que necessitas de tempo para realmente aproveitar.
Some of these iconic buildings are characterized by their architecture and how they are part of the history of the city, like the Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center, New York Public Library and the Flatiron. Further ahead and passing the Central Park there are two important museums, one is the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the other is the Guggenheim both so different but they enrich the landscape of architectural styles of the Avenue.
Also here you can see the Cathedral of St. Patrick's of neo-Gothic style that at the time of our visit was under rehabilitation works, it celebrated a Mass dedicated to the canonization of Pope John Paul II between scaffolding and plastic. A little further ahead is the Church of Saint Thomas.
This means that if you travel Fifth Avenue you are already visiting a good deal of places that are recommend in the guides without deviations or lose track has so much to see that you need time to really enjoy it.
Also here you can see the Cathedral of St. Patrick's of neo-Gothic style that at the time of our visit was under rehabilitation works, it celebrated a Mass dedicated to the canonization of Pope John Paul II between scaffolding and plastic. A little further ahead is the Church of Saint Thomas.
This means that if you travel Fifth Avenue you are already visiting a good deal of places that are recommend in the guides without deviations or lose track has so much to see that you need time to really enjoy it.
Website: http://www.visit5thavenue.com/ (directório de lojas e lugares de interesse)
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