Hoje conhecemos...a Quinta da Regaleira. Fui com uma colega brasileira e este era um local que estava na sua lista de visitas a fazer. Ela conhece pouco de Portugal e a Quinta da Regaleira tem um dos jardins mais bonitos e misteriosos que já vi. Decidimos fazer a visita guiada que recomendo porque acabamos por entender muito sobre a história da construção da Quinta e todas as mudanças que lhe fizeram.
Today we have discovered ... Quinta da Regaleira. I went with a Brazilian colleague and this was a place that was on her list of visits to do. She knows little of Portugal and the Quinta da Regaleira is one of the most beautiful and mysterious gardens I've ever seen. We decided to do the tour that I recommend just to understand a bit more about the history of the construction of the Quinta and all the changes that were made.
It begins by telling a Little about António Augusto Carvalho Monteiro, born in Brazil in 1848, son of Portuguese and then returning to their country accumulating several riches that are not only monetary but also cultural. This was the first owner of the Quinta and he granted Luigi Manini a good budget to make it what it is today: Enigmatic.
The tour starts at the gods courtyard, where statues representing various gods of classical mythology are arranged in front of the garden.
Down nine levels in the pit, begins to have a low light and if we think that could be used to Freemasonry rituals, imagine what it is doing this at night in one of these initiation rituals performed to test the human courage. And coming to the end of the pit, thinking someone had already finished everything, there still was a tunnel that for the visitors was illuminated with a light on the floor and then a maze that led to a small lake, all dark and I believe that there some of them would to fall into the water.
Começa por contar um pouco de António Augusto Carvalho Monteiro, nascido no Brasil em 1848, filho de portugueses e que regressa ao seu país acumulando várias riquezas que não são só as monetárias mas também as culturais. Este foi o primeiro proprietário da quinta e concede Luigi Manini um bom orçamento para torná-la o que é hoje: enigmática.
O circuito inicia no patamar dos deuses, onde estátuas que representam vários deuses da mitologia clássica estão dispostos á frente do jardim.
It begins by telling a Little about António Augusto Carvalho Monteiro, born in Brazil in 1848, son of Portuguese and then returning to their country accumulating several riches that are not only monetary but also cultural. This was the first owner of the Quinta and he granted Luigi Manini a good budget to make it what it is today: Enigmatic.
The tour starts at the gods courtyard, where statues representing various gods of classical mythology are arranged in front of the garden.
Um dos pontos de maior atracção turística da quinta é o Poço Iniciático, o nosso guia tem sempre o cuidado de mencionar uma crença de que o proprietário poderia pertencer a uma ordem de Maçonaria, em nenhum momento o confirma, diz haver provas mas não o admite. Discurso cauteloso talvez para deixar o mistério no ar ou por ser assunto demasiado delicado.
One of the points of greater tourist attraction is the Initiation Well, our guide is always careful to mention a belief that the owner could belong to an order of Masons and never confirms it, says there is evidence but does not admit it. Cautious speech perhaps to let the mystery in the air or because it is a touchy subject.
One of the points of greater tourist attraction is the Initiation Well, our guide is always careful to mention a belief that the owner could belong to an order of Masons and never confirms it, says there is evidence but does not admit it. Cautious speech perhaps to let the mystery in the air or because it is a touchy subject.
Descendo os nove patamares do poço, começa a escassear a luz e se pensarmos que poderia ser utilizado para rituais de maçonaria, imaginem o que é fazer isto á noite num desses rituais de iniciação feitos para testar a coragem humana. E chegando ao fim do poço, pensando que já tinha terminado tudo, vinha ainda um túnel que para os visitantes estava iluminado com uma luz no chão e depois um labirinto que ia dar a um pequeno lago, tudo isto ás escuras creio que deveriam haver uns quantos a cair á água.
Down nine levels in the pit, begins to have a low light and if we think that could be used to Freemasonry rituals, imagine what it is doing this at night in one of these initiation rituals performed to test the human courage. And coming to the end of the pit, thinking someone had already finished everything, there still was a tunnel that for the visitors was illuminated with a light on the floor and then a maze that led to a small lake, all dark and I believe that there some of them would to fall into the water.
>> Foto de António Augusto Carvalho Monteiro
Website: http://www.regaleira.pt/
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