A nossa visita a Seattle não foi própriamente turística, fomos visitar um primo meu que ali vive e passar o Natal com ele.
Fomos em 2006, visitámos alguns dos seus locais mais marcantes mas muito ficou para ver. Trouxémos connosco um pouco do estilo de vida americano, dos bairros típicos que por essa altura pareciam autênticas competições de quem tinha a melhor decoração de Natal.
Our visit to Seattle was not exactly tourist one, we went to visit a cousin of mine who lives there and spend the Christmas with him.
We went in 2006, we visited some of their most striking sites but there was much left to see. We brought with us a bit of the American lifestyle, the neighborhoods that by that time seemed in genuine competition of who had the best Christmas decoration.
Our visit to Seattle was not exactly tourist one, we went to visit a cousin of mine who lives there and spend the Christmas with him.
We went in 2006, we visited some of their most striking sites but there was much left to see. We brought with us a bit of the American lifestyle, the neighborhoods that by that time seemed in genuine competition of who had the best Christmas decoration.
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