Na Via Cappello que sai da Piazza delle Erbe está um dos monumentos mais visitados de Verona: a casa da Julieta, a mesma de Shakespeare que no seu Romeo & Julieta é uma Capulet. Tudo indica que a história é baseada em factos reais, que Julieta existia e Romeo Montecchi também (a sua casa está mais a norte), viveram um amor trágico por pertencerem a familias reais (e rivais).
Há porta da célebre casa medieval, está uma estátua representando Julieta.
In Via Cappello leaving from Piazza delle Erbe is one of the most visited monuments of Verona: Juliet's house, the same that in Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet is a Capulet. Everything indicates that the story is based on real facts, that Juliet existed and Romeo Montecchi too (his house is just north), both experienced a tragic love because they belong to royal (and rival) families.
Close to the door of this famous medieval house there is a statue representing Juliet.
I do not know how I managed to take a picture without people because it was almost impossible to do so since allegedly touching her chest gives luck and such a concept created queues among tourists that wanted to do it. You can see that it her chest is warn off, it did not seem like a place so romantic one can just see the (horrible) graffiti of couples that write their names there (over others) and chewing gum on the walls as we enter. There is also the wicked touch of the chest of the statue. All in the name of being lucky with love. Is it?
We went for a while but not visited the interior of the house, by the guide that we took we realized that there was not big but the queues to get in were too large for the time we had in Verona.
After all the biggest icon of the house is the famous balcony, that Romeo will have climbed to get to declare his love to Juliet and we can see from the outside.
Close to the door of this famous medieval house there is a statue representing Juliet.
Não sei como consegui tirar uma foto sem gente porque era quase impossível fazê-lo já que supostamente tocar no seu peito dá sorte e tal conceito criou filas de espera entre os turistas para conseguir cumprir esse feito. Pode ver-se que tem o peito gasto, não me pareceu um lugar assim tão romântico basta ver os (horríveis) graffitis de casais que escrevem ali os seus nomes (em cima de outros) e pastilhas elásticas nos muros ao entrar. Há também o ar perverso com que alguns tocam no peito da estátua. Tudo em nome da sorte no amor. Será?
Entrámos por uns instantes mas não visitámos o interior da casa, pelo o guia que levávamos percebemos que não era muito grande e as filas para entrar eram demasiado grandes para o tempo que tínhamos em Verona. Além disso o maior ícone da casa é a famosa varanda, a que Romeo terá trepado para conseguir declarar o seu amor a Julieta e podemos ver de fora.
I do not know how I managed to take a picture without people because it was almost impossible to do so since allegedly touching her chest gives luck and such a concept created queues among tourists that wanted to do it. You can see that it her chest is warn off, it did not seem like a place so romantic one can just see the (horrible) graffiti of couples that write their names there (over others) and chewing gum on the walls as we enter. There is also the wicked touch of the chest of the statue. All in the name of being lucky with love. Is it?
We went for a while but not visited the interior of the house, by the guide that we took we realized that there was not big but the queues to get in were too large for the time we had in Verona.
After all the biggest icon of the house is the famous balcony, that Romeo will have climbed to get to declare his love to Juliet and we can see from the outside.
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