Na Plaza de la Virgen está a Catedral de Nossa Senhora da Valência. De estilo principalmente gótico, a sua primeira construção data de 1262 mas foi sendo alterada e ampliada ao longo dos tempos até ao século XVIII onde alguns elementos barrocos foram acrescentados.
In the Plaza de la Virgen (Virgin's Square) you can see the Cathedral of Our Lady of Valência. Mainly Gothic style, its first construction date of 1262 but has been altered and extended over time until the eighteenth century where some baroque elements were added.
É também conhecida como a "Seu", a entrada principal é feita pela Porta dos Ferros é a que está virada para a Plaza de la Reina, a sua fachada é a mais moderna e data do século XVIII, que se acaba por notar no estilo barroco mais trabalhado.
Colada á fachada está o Micalet ou Miguelete, um campanário cuja construção começa no século XV mas que foi totalmente renovado nos tempos modernos. A torre octagonal tem 68 metros de altura.
Entrámos para dar uma olhadela por dentro, estamos na Catedral onde se diz estar o verdadeiro Holy Grail, o cálice que Jesus Cristo pegou com as suas mãos e proferiu: "Este é o meu sangue". Não o vimos nem sentimos a sua presença, apenas a de muitas pessoas que enchiam a Catedral para a celebração da missa.
It is also known as the "Seu", the main entrance is made by the "Porta dos Ferros" (Iron doors) it is the one that faces the Plaza de la Reina, its facade is the most recent and eighteenth-century date, the o notice on it's worked Barroque style.
Next to the front the Micalet or Miguelete, a steeple whose construction begins in the fifteenth century but was completely renovated in modern times. The octagonal tower is 68 meters high.
We went to peek inside, we were in the Cathedral that is said to have the real Holy Grail, the cup that Jesus Christ took with his hands and uttered: "This is my blood." We did not see or feel its presence, just a lot of people who filled the Cathedral for the celebration of mass.
Next to the front the Micalet or Miguelete, a steeple whose construction begins in the fifteenth century but was completely renovated in modern times. The octagonal tower is 68 meters high.
We went to peek inside, we were in the Cathedral that is said to have the real Holy Grail, the cup that Jesus Christ took with his hands and uttered: "This is my blood." We did not see or feel its presence, just a lot of people who filled the Cathedral for the celebration of mass.
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