Os nossos primeiros momentos em Biarritz valem ouro, encontrámos um bom hotel perto da Praia de “Port-Vieux” e nessa mesma praia jantámos na esplanada do restaurante Arena Café, o que nos permitiu apreciar o pôr-do-sol. É excelente para beber um copo ou para comer com as fantásticas cores do crepúsculo.
De entrada pedimos um prato de enchidos onde creio que cometemos um erro, tão perto de Espanha comer enchidos ali…são bons para matar a fome, mas já comemos muito melhor.
Our first moments in Biarritz are worth gold, we found a good hotel near the "Vieux-Port" and on that same beach we had dinner at the terrace of the restaurant Cafe Arena, which allowed us to enjoy the sunset. It is great for a drink or to eat with the fantastic colors of dusk.
To start we ordered a platter of sausages which I believe we made a mistake, so close to Spain eating sausages ... there are good to stave off hunger, but I had much better.
After came the main course we ordered seafood, we were in a restaurant by the beach and it was a good choice. Had a bit of everything, from the famous oysters that we water with lemon juice, crab, whelks, etc .. All this and that environment ... it was worth it and not too expensive considering what we had.
Our first moments in Biarritz are worth gold, we found a good hotel near the "Vieux-Port" and on that same beach we had dinner at the terrace of the restaurant Cafe Arena, which allowed us to enjoy the sunset. It is great for a drink or to eat with the fantastic colors of dusk.
To start we ordered a platter of sausages which I believe we made a mistake, so close to Spain eating sausages ... there are good to stave off hunger, but I had much better.

Depois de prato principal pedimos marisco, estávamos num restaurante ao pé da praia e foi uma boa escolha. Tinha de tudo um pouco, desde as famosas ostras que regamos com sumo de limão, ao caranguejo, búzios, etc.. Tudo isto e aquele ambiente…valeu mesmo a pena e nem foi muito caro considerando o que comemos.
After came the main course we ordered seafood, we were in a restaurant by the beach and it was a good choice. Had a bit of everything, from the famous oysters that we water with lemon juice, crab, whelks, etc .. All this and that environment ... it was worth it and not too expensive considering what we had.

Our guide of:
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