Chegámos ao Castelo de La Mota depois de dar umas quantas voltas, não sabemos o que se passou deve ter sido a forma como saímos do centro de Medina del Campo que nos fez circular várias vezes vendo o castelo sem nunca conseguir lá chegar, parecia um labirinto.
Já no estacionamento em frente ao Castelo percebemos que estamos diante de um magnifico exemplar da construção bélica do século XIV. Estava fechado quando chegámos mas abria ás 16h pelo o que tivémos que esperar quase quarenta minutos.
We reached the Castle of La Mota after giving a few turns, we do not know what happened must have been the way we left the center of Medina del Campo that made us move several times seeing the castle without ever being able to reach it, looked like a maze.
Already in the parking lot in front of the castle we realized that we are facing a magnificent specimen of the war construction of the fourteenth century. It was closed when we arrived but it would open at 4pm we had to wait nearly forty minutes.
We reached the Castle of La Mota after giving a few turns, we do not know what happened must have been the way we left the center of Medina del Campo that made us move several times seeing the castle without ever being able to reach it, looked like a maze.
Already in the parking lot in front of the castle we realized that we are facing a magnificent specimen of the war construction of the fourteenth century. It was closed when we arrived but it would open at 4pm we had to wait nearly forty minutes.
Procurámos informação no Centro de Recepção ao Visitante e algumas partes do castelo só podiam ser visitadas com guia. Houve um mal entendido com as horas, eles diziam que a primeira visita começava ás 16h30 e optámos por não esperar mais, mas afinal começou ás 16h em ponto.
Uma das coisas que mais se destaca no castelo, para além do enorme fosso construído á volta para protecção, é a sua Torre de Menagem. Tem quase quarenta metros o que significa que deve ter uma impressionante vista de Medina del Campo.
Entramos para o Pátio de Armas que faz parte da visita gratuita ao Castelo.
We looked for information at the Visitor Reception Centre and some parts of the castle could only be visited with a guide. There was a misunderstanding with the hours, they said the first visit began at 16:30 and we opted not wait any longer, but finally it began at 16h o'clock.
One of the things that stands out most in the castle, beyond the huge gap built around to protect it, is it's donjon. Has nearly forty meters high, which means it must have an amazing view of Medina del Campo.
Walked to the Patio de Armas which is part of the free visit to the Castle.
Ainda no Pátio de Armas destaca-se a porta trabalhada com arco árabe e ao centro uma representação do encontro de Santa Ana e São Joaquim junto á Porta Dourada. Passando pela sua porta encontramos um mapa-mundo do ano de 1500, uma réplica do desenhado por Juan de la Cosa com a representação do Novo e do Velho mundo.
Numa outra visita tentaremos conhecer o resto do Castelo onde Joana, a Louca viveu encerrada mas foi em Tordesillas que acabaria por morrer.
Another part that we can see is the chapel dedicated to Santa Maria. In the altarpiece, we can see six golden statuettes of Spanish saints among them Teresa of Jesus.
Still in the Patio de Armas crafted door with arabic arch stands our and in the center a representation of the meeting of Santa Ana and San Joaquin near the Golden Gate. Passing through the door we find a world map from the 1500s, a replica designed by Juan de la Cosa with the representation of the Old and New World.
On another visit we will try to meet the rest of the castle where Joan La Loca lived as prisioner but it was in Tordesillas that she would eventually die.
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