Depois do pequeno-almoço entrámos na Place Bellecour, a sua dimensão é impressionante e é a terceira maior praça de França.
Mas infelizmente a dimensão não chega para impressionar, a verdade é que apesar do belíssimo enquadramento dos edificios da praça, falta-lhe mais arvoredo ou algo que a torne mais agradável principalmente por ser tão grande acaba por se tornar vazia.
Talvez haja um motivo para que assim seja, sabemos que aqui se fazem muitos eventos ao longo do ano e por isso espaço acaba por se tornar mais funcional.
After breakfast we went into the Place Bellecour, it's size is impressive and is the third biggest square of France.
But unfortunately the size is not enough to impress, the truth is that despite the beautiful environment of the buildings of the square, it lacks more trees or something that would make it more enjoyable mainly because it is so big that eventually becomes empty.
Maybe there's a reason for it to be, we know that are many events held here throughout the year and the space eventually becomes more functional.
After breakfast we went into the Place Bellecour, it's size is impressive and is the third biggest square of France.
But unfortunately the size is not enough to impress, the truth is that despite the beautiful environment of the buildings of the square, it lacks more trees or something that would make it more enjoyable mainly because it is so big that eventually becomes empty.
Maybe there's a reason for it to be, we know that are many events held here throughout the year and the space eventually becomes more functional.

Na praça está um ponto de turismo e ao centro a principal atracção é a estátua equestre do Rei Luis XIV, o famoso Rei Sol. Na base de estátua outras duas, uma representando o rio Rhône e o Saône. O actual monumento substitui um outro que foi destruído aquando a Revolução Francesa.
Deste ponto já conseguimos ver Fourviére e a sua basílica.
In the square there is a tourism office and the main attraction is the equestrian statue of King Louis XIV, the famous Sun King. At the base of the statue there two others representing the river Rhône and the Saône. The current monument replaces another that was destroyed during the French Revolution.
From this point we can already see Fourviére and its basilica.
From this point we can already see Fourviére and its basilica.

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