Nem consigo contar as voltas que dei para tentar fotografar a fachada desta Catedral, outrora o edificio mais alto do mundo e cuja torre tem cerca de 142 metros de altura. A largura da praça onde está também não permite ganhar mais distância para o fazer mas a verdade é que só da Praça de Gutenberg (pela Rue Merciére) consegui uma aproximação.
Objectivos fotográficos á parte, a verdade é que esta catedral impressiona não só pela sua dimensão como por todo o detalhe e trabalho colocado na sua impressionante fachada de estilo Gótico.
I can not even count the turns I gave to try to photograph the facade of this cathedral, once the world's tallest building whose tower is about 142 meters tall. The width of the square where it is also does not allow to gain more distance to do so but the truth is that only from the Gutenberg square (along Rue Merciere) I was able to get it.
Photographic objectives aside, the truth is that this cathedral is impressive not only for its size as for all the detail and work put in its stunning Gothic facade.
Photographic objectives aside, the truth is that this cathedral is impressive not only for its size as for all the detail and work put in its stunning Gothic facade.
A quantidade de esculturas colocadas na fachada é outro dos factores que fazem desta Catedral a principal atracção de Estrasburgo. Em cada conjunto, uma história ou uma personagem histórica ligada á igreja. No centro e por cima das portas uma representação da vida de Cristo, com a Última Ceia e a Crucificação, entre outros episódios aqui relatados.
The amount of sculptures placed on the facade is another factor that makes this Cathedral the main attraction of Strasbourg. In each set, a story or a historical figure connected to the church. In the center and above the doors a representation of the life of Christ, the Last Supper and the Crucifixion, among other episodes reported here.
The amount of sculptures placed on the facade is another factor that makes this Cathedral the main attraction of Strasbourg. In each set, a story or a historical figure connected to the church. In the center and above the doors a representation of the life of Christ, the Last Supper and the Crucifixion, among other episodes reported here.
A entrada é livre e chegámos quando estavam a terminar de celebrar uma missa, porque foi na Semana Santa e pareceu-nos ter sido celebrada pelo Arcebispo de Estrasburgo que mais tarde vim a saber o seu nome: Jean-Pierre Grallet. Na altura em que passa por nós achámos que era sem dúvida um homem á "altura" de celebrar missas nesta catedral. Eu arriscaria dizer que ele tem uns dois metros de altura, ou até mais..
Admission is free and we arrived when they had finished celebrating Mass, because it was the Easter week and it seemed to have been celebrated by the Archbishop of Strasbourg who later we came to know his name: Jean-Pierre Grallet. At the time he passes us we felt it was undoubtedly the right man to celebrate Mass in this cathedral. I would venture to say that he has a two meters, or even more.
Admission is free and we arrived when they had finished celebrating Mass, because it was the Easter week and it seemed to have been celebrated by the Archbishop of Strasbourg who later we came to know his name: Jean-Pierre Grallet. At the time he passes us we felt it was undoubtedly the right man to celebrate Mass in this cathedral. I would venture to say that he has a two meters, or even more.
A dimensão da nave é realmente espantosa e a quantidade de luz que entra também, porque de fora ela tem um aspecto que parece dizer que o interior será taciturno mas graças aos coloridos vitrais entre eles uma rosácea na porta da fachada oeste, a catedral ganha um ar mais leve tornando-se muito mais interesante.
The size of the nave is really amazing and the amount of light entering too, because out it has a look that seems to say that the interior is taciturn but thanks to the colorful stained glass windows including a rose window in the west front door, the cathedral gets a lighter appearance becoming more interesting.
The size of the nave is really amazing and the amount of light entering too, because out it has a look that seems to say that the interior is taciturn but thanks to the colorful stained glass windows including a rose window in the west front door, the cathedral gets a lighter appearance becoming more interesting.
Igualmente rico em detalhes, o interior conta com um relógio astronómico trabalhado em madeira e com um desfile de pequenas esculturas que voltam a contar episódios da vida de Cristo e dos seus apóstolos. Ao seu lado está o pilar dos Anjos.
Numa outra zona encontramos o orgão, com um grande trabalho decorativo sendo um dos mais coloridos que já vi em igrejas ou catedrais e talvez por isso, um dos mais bonitos.
Equally rich in detail, the interior features an astronomical clock worked in wood and with a parade of small sculptures that date back to episodes from the life of Christ and his apostles. By it's side is the pillar of the Angels.
In another área we see the organ, with a large decorative work being one of the most colorful I've seen in churches or cathedrals and so maybe, one of the nicest.
Equally rich in detail, the interior features an astronomical clock worked in wood and with a parade of small sculptures that date back to episodes from the life of Christ and his apostles. By it's side is the pillar of the Angels.
In another área we see the organ, with a large decorative work being one of the most colorful I've seen in churches or cathedrals and so maybe, one of the nicest.
Quem quiser pode subir as escadas até a uns 66 metros de altura para usufruir de uma vista panorânica de Estrasburgo, como tínhamos pouco tempo, algum cansaço e fome, não o fizémos. Numa outra visita iremos sem dúvida ver a cidade desde um dos pontos que foi no passado, um dos mais altos do mundo.
Anyone can climb the stairs up to a 66 feet high to enjoy a view panorânica Strasbourg, as we had little time, some fatigue and we were starving, we did not. On another visit we will undoubtedly see the city from one of the points that was in the past, one of the highest in the world.
Anyone can climb the stairs up to a 66 feet high to enjoy a view panorânica Strasbourg, as we had little time, some fatigue and we were starving, we did not. On another visit we will undoubtedly see the city from one of the points that was in the past, one of the highest in the world.
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