De visita a Toledo, um dos primeiros monumentos que vimos foi a Ponte de San Martín.
Foi construída no século XIV e foi reformada três séculos mais tarde, no reinado de D. Carlos II. A ponte ajuda unificar as duas margens separadas pelo (nosso conhecido) rio Tejo e nas suas extremidades estão duas torres, uma é do século XIII e foi o que restou de uma ponte que existia antes. A segunda torre tem uma placa em que na sua inscrição se pode ler o nome do Rei D. Carlos II podemos ver também o brasão da sua casa real.
Visiting Toledo, one of the first monuments we went to was the Bridge of San Martín.
It was built in the fourteenth century and was renovated three centuries later, in the reign of Charles II. The bridge helps unify the two sides separated by the (known to us) Tagus river and in it's ends are two towers, one is from the thirteenth century and was the remains of a bridge that existed before. The second tower has a sign that in it's inscription you can read the name of King Charles II and also see the coat of his royal house.

It was built in the fourteenth century and was renovated three centuries later, in the reign of Charles II. The bridge helps unify the two sides separated by the (known to us) Tagus river and in it's ends are two towers, one is from the thirteenth century and was the remains of a bridge that existed before. The second tower has a sign that in it's inscription you can read the name of King Charles II and also see the coat of his royal house.

A própria ponte funciona como um miradouro com vista para o bairro Judeu do lado esquerdo e o rio Tejo a marcar as linhas do vale. Tem cinco arcos com tamanhos diferentes, sendo que o do meio é o maior de todos.
Foi um excelente começo para a nossa visita á cidade.
The bridge itself acts as a viewpoint overlooking the Jewish Quarter on the left and the Tagus River marking the lines of the valley. It has five arches of different sizes, and the middle one is the largest.
It was an excellent start to our visit to the city.
The bridge itself acts as a viewpoint overlooking the Jewish Quarter on the left and the Tagus River marking the lines of the valley. It has five arches of different sizes, and the middle one is the largest.
It was an excellent start to our visit to the city.

Toledo é uma das cidades da Espanha, das que ainda não conhecemos, que mais temos vontade em descobrir. Bom relato!
ResponderEliminarObgdo. Eu recomendo, já estive 3 vezes e quero voltar mais. É relativamente pequena mas com muito para ver.