Na fase de planeamento da nossa curta viagem á Bélgica (mais para ver os mercados de Natal) fomos ouvindo várias opiniões que diziam que Bruxelas não tinha grande interesse ("É feia" - ouvi até) e para nos centrarmos em Bruges e Ghent. Tenho cá para mim que não há cidades feias ou desinteressantes mas sim experiências dentro delas que marcam a nossa opinião. Bruxelas é uma cidade bonita, á sua maneira e a percepção de beleza vai da mão (e do olhar) de cada um.
At the planning stage of our short trip to Belgium ( to see the Christmas markets) we were listening to various opinions that said Brussels had no great interest ("It's ugly" - I heard) and we focus in Bruges and Ghent. I have to myself that there are no ugly cities or uninteresting but experiences within them that mark our opinion. Brussels is a beautiful city, in it's own way and the perception of beauty goes of the taste (and look) of each individual.
At the planning stage of our short trip to Belgium ( to see the Christmas markets) we were listening to various opinions that said Brussels had no great interest ("It's ugly" - I heard) and we focus in Bruges and Ghent. I have to myself that there are no ugly cities or uninteresting but experiences within them that mark our opinion. Brussels is a beautiful city, in it's own way and the perception of beauty goes of the taste (and look) of each individual.
A Grand Place é o seu principal cartão de visita e a prova de que a cidade consegue surpreender-nos. Talvez tenha sido o momento certo para visitá-la e as horas certas, primeiro foi de noite e depois durante o dia.
O espectáculo de luzes e música que iluminava a principal praça de Bruxelas criava um ambiente único e por um momento queríamos ter mais um dia (neste caso uma noite) para disfrutar vezes e vezes sem conta. Era na fachada do Hôtel de Ville (a Câmara Municipal) que as luzes ganhavam mais vida tornando-a no foco de atenção de todos os que admiravam o espectáculo.
The Grand Place is it's main business card and proof that the city manages to surprise us. Maybe it was the right time to visit and the right hour, first was at night and then during the day.
The light show and music that illuminated the main square in Brussels created a unique environment for a moment I wanted to have one more day (in this case a night) to enjoy time and time again. It was in front of the Hôtel de Ville (City Hall) that the lights became more alive making it the focus of attention of all who admired the show.
The light show and music that illuminated the main square in Brussels created a unique environment for a moment I wanted to have one more day (in this case a night) to enjoy time and time again. It was in front of the Hôtel de Ville (City Hall) that the lights became more alive making it the focus of attention of all who admired the show.
Durante o dia é a trabalhada arquitectura dos seus edificios que a tornam digna de contemplação, estamos no coração de Bruxelas, aqui eram tomadas as decisões mais importantes, era o palco do comércio e do entretenimento da época dourada de Flandres.
Um dos mais importantes, o mesmo Hôtel de Ville com o seu imponente estilo gótico vive orgulhoso desde do século XV. A torre ao centro tem 96 metros de altura e no seu topo uma escultura do arcanjo Miguel a matar um demonio. É ele o santo patrono de Bruxelas que pouco pôde fazer no século XVII quando os franceses invadiram a cidade e destruiram uma boa parte da praça mas talvez tenha inspirado na sua reconstrução.
During the day it is the crafted architecture of the buildings which make it worthy of contemplation, we are in the heart of Brussels, here were the most important decisions taken, was the scene of trade and entertainment from the golden age of Flanders.
One of the most important, the same Hôtel de Ville with its imposing Gothic lives proud since the fifteenth century. The center tower is 96 meters high and at the top a sculpture of the archangel Michael killing a demon. He is the patron saint of Brussels that could do little in the seventeenth century when the French invaded the city and destroyed a good part of the square but perhaps inspired it's reconstruction.
One of the most important, the same Hôtel de Ville with its imposing Gothic lives proud since the fifteenth century. The center tower is 96 meters high and at the top a sculpture of the archangel Michael killing a demon. He is the patron saint of Brussels that could do little in the seventeenth century when the French invaded the city and destroyed a good part of the square but perhaps inspired it's reconstruction.
O segundo edificio mais importante da praça está no lado oposto ao do Hôtel de Ville e é a Maison du Roi. Apesar deste seu nome real nunca viveu ali nenhum rei e o seu nome original é Broodhuis, que significa Casa do Pão. Hoje funciona como museu da cidade onde podemos ver mais sobre a história de Bruxelas assim como uma exposição dos diferentes fatos usados pelo Manneken Pis.
Mas são muitos os edificios que marcam a praça na realidade creio que todos são importantes, cada um ricamente ornamentado e com uma história diferente para contar. Conta também com alguns cafés e restaurantes que permitem disfrutar ainda mais da experiência de visitá-la.
Alguns foram a casa de importantes oficios desde o pasteleiro, ao padeiro, passando pelos açougueiros.
The second most important building in the square is opposite the Hôtel de Ville and is the Maison du Roi. Despite it's royal name has a King never lived there and it's original name is Broodhuis, which means House of Bread. Today it operates as a town museum where you can see more about the history of Brussels as well as an exhibition of the various outfits used by the Manneken Pis.
But there are many buildings that mark the square actually believe that everyone is important, each richly decorated and with a different story to tell. It also has some cafes and restaurants that allow further enjoy the experience of visiting it.
Some were home to important offices from the pastry, the Baker to the butchers.
But there are many buildings that mark the square actually believe that everyone is important, each richly decorated and with a different story to tell. It also has some cafes and restaurants that allow further enjoy the experience of visiting it.
Some were home to important offices from the pastry, the Baker to the butchers.
A espantosa fachada da Maison des Ducs de Brabant pode na realidade dividir-se em sete edificios diferentes, aliás as diferentes portas na fachada confirmam a independência dos mesmos. A nossa visita a Bruxelas não podia ter começado de melhor maneira.
The stunning facade of the Maison des Ducs de Brabant can actually be divided into seven different buildings, moreover the different doors on the facade confirm their independence. Our visit to Brussels could not have started in a better way.
Our Guide:
O post acima parece uma poesia! Hoje irei até a Grand Place e com as dicas dadas aqui, certamente tudo será mais lindo ainda! Obrigada por compartilhar isso!!!
ResponderEliminarObrigado Cíntia, espero que goste. É verdade que visitei esta praça no Natal e o espectaculo de luzes era espectacular, mas esta altura com o sol deve ser igualmente bonita.