Quando chegámos a Verona não tínhamos mapa nem nenhuma indicação do que visitar fomos conhecendo a cidade caminhando por ela e foi assim que viémos parar á Ponte Pietra, a única ponte romana que ainda está de pé. Também conhecida por Pons Marmoreus, conseguiu resistir ao longo do tempo enquanto a outra ponte romana, a Postumio ficou completamente destruída.
When we arrived in Verona we had no map and no indication of knowing that we were visiting we started to discover the city walking through it and that's how we ended up at Ponte Pietra, the only Roman bridge that still stands. Also known as Pons Marmoreus, managed to resist over time while another Roman bridge, the Postumio was completely destroyed.
A sua construção permitia o acesso ao Teatro Romano do outro lado da margem do rio Ádige. No século XIII, Alberto I della Scala ordenou a reconstrução de uma parte da ponte que tinha ficado danificada assim como a torre de vigia pela qual passámos para percorrer a ponte.
Em Abril de 1945, quatro dos seus cinco arcos foram destruídos e alguns anos depois a ponte foi reconstruída utilizando os mesmos materiais que foram retirados do rio, mantendo-se fiel ao original. Percorrê-la permitiu-nos também ter uma outra visão de Verona e dos coloridos edifícios que estão junto ao rio.
Its construction allowed access to the Roman Theatre across from the river Adige. In the thirteenth century, Alberto della Scala I ordered the reconstruction of a portion of the bridge that had been damaged as a watchtower for which we spent to go through the bridge.
In April 1945, four of its five arches were destroyed and some years later the bridge was rebuilt using the same materials that were removed from the river, while remaining faithful to the original. Walk through it also enabled us to have another view of Verona and the colorful buildings that are along the river.
Its construction allowed access to the Roman Theatre across from the river Adige. In the thirteenth century, Alberto della Scala I ordered the reconstruction of a portion of the bridge that had been damaged as a watchtower for which we spent to go through the bridge.
In April 1945, four of its five arches were destroyed and some years later the bridge was rebuilt using the same materials that were removed from the river, while remaining faithful to the original. Walk through it also enabled us to have another view of Verona and the colorful buildings that are along the river.
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