A visita ao Palácio da Ajuda foi uma promoção 2x1, fomos ver a exposição da Joana Vasconcelos e acabámos por conhecê-lo por dentro algo que nunca tinha feito enquanto vivi em Portugal.
A sua construção inicia no século XVIII durante o reinado de D. José e no século XIX foi residência oficial da Familia Real, hoje em dia para além das salas que podemos visitar têm sede aqui alguns organismos públicos assim como a Biblioteca.
The visit to Ajuda Palace was like a 2x1 promotion, we went to see the exhibition of Joana Vasconcelos and we finally discover it something we had never done while living in Portugal.
Its construction started in the eighteenth century during the reign of King Joseph and in the nineteenth century itwas the official residence of the Royal Family, today besides the rooms that we can visit some public offices are installed here as well as the Library.
Its construction started in the eighteenth century during the reign of King Joseph and in the nineteenth century itwas the official residence of the Royal Family, today besides the rooms that we can visit some public offices are installed here as well as the Library.
Ainda que o Palacio já parece ter uma dimensão razoável a verdade é que tem metade do tamanho que estava no projecto original e que hoje entendemos ser a entrada principal seria a este. Durante o reinado de D. Luís e posteriormente da sua mulher D. Maria Pia, o Palácio ganhou particular importância, hoje podemos ver os apartamentos que na altura utilizavam com as paredes forradas com ricos tecidos, com fotografías de membros da familia real, quadros, etc.. Um imenso expólio histórico que a República soube preservar e que hoje podemos visitar para melhor entender como viviam.
Foram muitas as salas que vimos e como foi ao mesmo tempo que a exposição foi complicado escolher a que gostámos mais posso dizer que gostámos da zona onde viviam mais que a zona oficial onde estava a Sala do Trono e o Salão de Baile.
Although the Palacio already seems to have a reasonable size the truth is that it's half the size of the original Project and what we now understand to be the main entrance would be the east one. During the reign of King Louis and later his wife D. Maria Pia, the Palace has become particularly important, today we can see the apartments with the walls lined with rich fabrics, with photographs of members of the royal family, frames, etc. .. An immense historical expolio that the Republic has retained and today we can visit to better understand how they lived.
There were many rooms that we saw and together with the exhibition it was tricky to choose the one we liked the most I can say that we enjoyed the area where they lived more than the official zone where was the Throne Room and the Ballroom.
There were many rooms that we saw and together with the exhibition it was tricky to choose the one we liked the most I can say that we enjoyed the area where they lived more than the official zone where was the Throne Room and the Ballroom.
>>> Sala da Música/Music Room
>>> Quarto do Rei/King's Room
>>> Sala Azul/Blue room
>>> Quarto da Rainha/Queen's room
>>> Sala Rosa/ Pink Room
>>> Sala de Jantar/ Dining Room
>>> Toilette e Quarto de banho da Rainha/ Queen's dressing and bathroom
>>> Sala do Trono/Throne room
A visita é feita em dois pisos mas para quem leva carrinhos de bébé por exemplo há um elevador que facilita a mobilidade.
Website: http://pnajuda.imc-ip.pt/pt-PT/Default.aspx
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