Tive que dividir em dois posts o que queria contar sobre a Rua da República até porque ela tem duas caras, a comercial, cheia de gente e esta que mostro aqui, o seu lado B e na minha humilde opinião, o melhor! Até aqui Valletta não me estava a deixar deslumbrada mas e fui descendo esta parte da rua elogiando o colorido das janelas até que chego ao final da rua, olho para trás e vejo que será uma das ruas (senão a rua) mais interessante do centro.
I had to split into two posts what I wanted to tell about the Republic Street also because it has two faces, a comercial one full of people and the one I show here,it's side B and in my humble opinion, the best! Until this place Valletta was not dazzling me and as I went down to this part of the streets praising the colorful windows until we get to the end of it, look back and I see that is problably one of the most (if not the most) interesting Street of the center.
As coloridas varandas são pequenas, feitas de madeira e não encontrei muito sobre a sua origem, alguns defendem que foram os espanhóis que as trouxeram quando dominavam a ilha na época medieval. Outra teoria defende que foram os árabes e que serviam para que as mulheres que não saiam de casa pudessem ver o mundo através da janela. Seja como for, fazem hoje parte da própria identidade da ilha.
Foi ao passear por ela que amaldiçoei o momento em que decidi não trazer a Nikon e utilizar uma máquina que não lhe faz justiça.
The colorful balconies are small, made of wood and I have not found much on their origin, some argue that it was the Spaniards who brought them when they ruled the island in medieval times. Another theory is that the Arabs were the ones to do them and were used for women who do not leave home so they could see the world through the window. Anyway, today it's part of the identity of the island.
It was only when I was walking through it that I cursed the moment I decided not to bring the Nikon and use a camera that does not do it justice.
It was only when I was walking through it that I cursed the moment I decided not to bring the Nikon and use a camera that does not do it justice.
Our guide of:
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