Descobrimos o Café Babel através do site Con el Morro Fino ( e como fica relativamente perto da zona onde vivemos decidimos experimentar. Tivémos que esperar pelo fim do brunch (termina ás 14h) para conseguir mesa. Já sentados abrimos o menú e descobrimos que tinham uma marca de cerveja que conhecemos bem: a Super Bock.
We discovered Café Babel through the site Con el Morro Fino ( and as it is relatively close to the area where we live we decided to try it. We had to wait for the end of brunch (ends at 14h) to get table. Once seated we opened the menu and found they had a brand of beer that we know very well: Super Bock.
Um dos pratos mais recomendados do Café Babel são as suas "croquetas" de presunto que pedimos em primeiro lugar e que são realmente boas, o recheio era é óptimo mas a massa estava muito estaladiça o que fez toda a diferença. Depois pedimos o queijo provoleta também para partilhar acompanhada de cebola caramelizada e doce de frutos silvestres.
Os pratos principais foram o hamburguer e outro dos seus pratos estrela, as almôndegas de rabo de touro. O primeiro vimos em várias mesas e estava muito bom, a carne não era seca e levava queijo cheddar derretido. O outro prato estava bom mas não foi dos nossos preferidos, não sabemos se foi um mau dia para o comer ou se um problema do nosso paladar.
Para sobremesa um cheesecake que vinha numa taça com mascarpone, frutos silvestres na base e bolacha por cima. A conta ficou a uns 20€ por pessoa.
One of the most recommended dishes of Café Babel is it's ham "croquetas" we ask them first and they are really good, the filling was great, but the batter was very crisp which made all the difference. After we ordered the cheese provoleta also to share that came with caramelized onions and sweet berries.
The main dishes were the burger and one of their star dishes, meatballs with ox tail. First we saw in various tables and was very good, the meat was not dry and it had melted cheddar cheese. The other dish was good but it was not our favorite, I do not know if it was a bad day for eating it or a problem of our palate.
For dessert a cheesecake that came in a bowl with mascarpone, jam in the bottom and biscuit crumble on top. The bill came it is about € 20 per person.
The main dishes were the burger and one of their star dishes, meatballs with ox tail. First we saw in various tables and was very good, the meat was not dry and it had melted cheddar cheese. The other dish was good but it was not our favorite, I do not know if it was a bad day for eating it or a problem of our palate.
For dessert a cheesecake that came in a bowl with mascarpone, jam in the bottom and biscuit crumble on top. The bill came it is about € 20 per person.
Morada: Calle Real 39, Torrelodones
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