A nossa última visita a Paris este Verão permitiu-nos ver algumas coisas que ficaram por ver quando fomos em 2011, o interior da Ópera de Garnier foi uma delas. É um edificio tão extraordinário que me pergunto como foi possível ter aguentado tanto tempo sem vê-lo?
Inaugurada em 1875 é um excelente testemunho da paixão pelo detalhe e pelo requinte por parte dos franceses, tendo sido projectada pelo arquitecto Charles Garnier responsável pela Ópera do Mónaco.
Our last visit to Paris this summer allowed us to see some things left behind when we were in 2011, the interior of the Garnier Opera was one. It is such an extraordinary building that I wonder how it was possible to have endured so long without seeing it?
Inaugurated in 1875 is an excellent testimony of the passion for detail and the refinement by the French and was designed by Charles Garnier architect responsible for the Monaco Opera.
Inaugurated in 1875 is an excellent testimony of the passion for detail and the refinement by the French and was designed by Charles Garnier architect responsible for the Monaco Opera.

Após comprar as entradas (que se pode comprar numa máquina automática para evitar filas), entramos no vestíbulo onde estão as Grand Escaliers com um excelente trabalho em mármore e onde vale a pena olhar para o tecto para ver as pinturas de Isidore Pils. Entrámos depois para o palco principal por onde passaram obras tão famosas como Othelo, Medea, Carmen e Norma (com Maria Callas). Destaca-se o tecto pintado por Marc Chagall inaugurado em 1964 e que contrasta com estilo neo-barroco do Palácio, na sua obra presta uma homenagem á arte representando obras como Romeo & Julieta, Tristão e Isolda, a Flauta Mágica e o Lago dos Cisnes.
O meu espaço preferido foi o Grand Foyer onde não se poupou no dourado, nos fantásticos tectos pintados com anjos, nos seus grandes candelabros e levou-me a pensar que no intervalo de uma grande obra deve ser igualmente fabuloso passear por ali.
Teria sido uma super experiência ter ido ver um espectáculo aqui quem sabe um dia...
After buying the tickets (you can buy an automatic machine to avoid queues), we entered the hall where the Grand Escaliers with an excellent work in marble and where it is worth looking at the ceiling to see the paintings of Isidore Pils. We went then to the main stage where such famous works as Othello, Medea, Carmen and Norma (with Maria Callas) where played. Noteworthy is the ceiling painted by Marc Chagall that opened in 1964 and in contrast with the neo-Baroque palace, in his work he pays homage to the arts representing such stories as Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Isolde, the Magic Flute and the Swan Lake .
My favorite room was the Grand Foyer where no gold was spared, neither in the fantastic ceilings painted with angels, or their large chandeliers and led me to think that during the break of great opera it must have been equally fabulous to stroll around.
It would have been a super experience going to see a show here maybe one day ...
My favorite room was the Grand Foyer where no gold was spared, neither in the fantastic ceilings painted with angels, or their large chandeliers and led me to think that during the break of great opera it must have been equally fabulous to stroll around.
It would have been a super experience going to see a show here maybe one day ...

Tecto de Marc Chagall

Grand Foyer

Website: https://www.operadeparis.fr/en/
Preço entrada: 10€ por adulto
Morada: Rue Scribe 8
Metro: Ópera
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