In Plaza Isabel II best known as Opera is the Fair of Christmas Sweets of Madrid that I discovered for the first time last year. This year it repeats again with more or less the same product offering as the bread of Lugo, the Galician "empanadas", the churros and "porras", garrapiñadas (made with peanut and caramel) and the famous Christmas cake, the Panettone.

Está também uma banca de doces árabes que vende fruta cristalizada, baklava, frutos secos, chebakias, etc.. Sempre cheia está a banca dos churros onde a especialidade são os cobertos de chocolate. É um mercado para aproveitar as delicias gastronómicas e não pensar no peso.
Gostei mais da decoração do ano passado era mais apelativa e identificava claramente que era um mercado de doces. Ainda assim a sua visita é indispensável para os que procuram os doces mais tradicionais do Natal madrilenho.
There was also a stall of Arabic sweets selling candied fruit, baklava, nuts, chebakias, etc .. Always full, the churros stall is where the specialty is the ones covered in chocolate. It is a market to enjoy the gastronomic delights and not think about weight.
I liked last year's decoration the most, it was more appealing and clearly identified it was a sweets market. Still it's visit is essential for those seeking the more traditional sweets of Madrid's Christmas.
There was also a stall of Arabic sweets selling candied fruit, baklava, nuts, chebakias, etc .. Always full, the churros stall is where the specialty is the ones covered in chocolate. It is a market to enjoy the gastronomic delights and not think about weight.
I liked last year's decoration the most, it was more appealing and clearly identified it was a sweets market. Still it's visit is essential for those seeking the more traditional sweets of Madrid's Christmas.

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