Do que me lembrava da Discoveryland era a Spacemontain e o Autopia. O lema de esta zona é: "Dreams of the future from the past and present" e é em cheio porque tem atrações que exploram a ideia de ficção científica como se podia descobrir nos livros de Julio Verne ou entrar no mundo da Guerra das Estrelas ou mesmo chegar ao espaço através do foguetão da Space Mountain.
What I remembered from the Discoveryland was the Spacemontain and the Autopia. The motto of this zone is: "Dreams of the future from the past and present" and is spot on because it has attractions that explore the idea of science fiction as one could find in the books of Jules Verne or enter the Star Wars world or even get into space by rocket from space Mountain.

A Space Mountain foi das primeiras montanhas russas que andei (há muitos anos), é totalmente coberta e tem Fastpass se bem que a encontramos com tempos de espera razoáveis entre trinta a quarenta minutos. Dizem, quem andou nas que estão no Walt Disney Studios como a Rock n' Roller Coaster, que não é muito rápida e por comparação não é das mais emotivas. Ainda assim lembro-me perfeitamente de ter dados uns bons gritos...
Na Discoveryland está também o Buzz Lightyear num divertimento que se chama Laser Blast inspirado no Toy Story 2 em que vamos disparando a sua arma laser acumulando pontos, não ficou claro para que serviam os pontos. Outro divertimento estrela é o Star Wars Tours que dizem que foi remodelado (eu nem me lembrava dele) que é um simulador de voo dentro do mundo da Guerra das Estrelas. E para os que gostam dos filmes ao lado está uma loja que vende artigos Disney que comprou os direitos e que é responsável pelo o seu regresso ao cinema.
Space Mountain was one of the first roller coasters I've been (many years ago), is fully covered and has Fastpass although we found the waiting times to be reasonable between thirty to forty minutes. Some say, those that experience other roller coasters in the Walt Disney Studios like the Rock n 'Roller Coaster, that this one is not very fast and by comparison is not the most emotional one. But I remember perfectly that I screamed quite a bit...
In Discoveryland there is also Buzz Lightyear with the Laser Blast inspired by the Toy Story 2 where we fire a laser gun accumulating points, it was not clear what they were for. Another star attraction is the Star Wars Tours that was refurbished (I do not remember it) that is a flight simulator within the Star Wars world. And for those who love the movies next to it there is a store that sells Disney items that bought the rights of the movies and is responsible for its return to the cinema.
In Discoveryland there is also Buzz Lightyear with the Laser Blast inspired by the Toy Story 2 where we fire a laser gun accumulating points, it was not clear what they were for. Another star attraction is the Star Wars Tours that was refurbished (I do not remember it) that is a flight simulator within the Star Wars world. And for those who love the movies next to it there is a store that sells Disney items that bought the rights of the movies and is responsible for its return to the cinema.

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