Malá Strana é um dos bairros mais bonitos de Praga e pela sua proximidade ao Castelo e á Ponte Carlos, um dos mais turísticos e animados. O seu nome traduzido em inglês seria Lesser Town ou Cidade Inferior por estar aos pés da colina do Castelo e para visitá-lo temos que passar por duas das suas famosas ruas, a Nerudova e a Mostecká cujos edificios de estilo barroco deixaram-me impressionada.
Malá Strana is one of the most beautiful districts of Prague and its immediate proximity to the Castle and Charles Bridge makes it, one of the most touristic and animated. It's name translated into English would be Lesser Town or Lower City because it's at the foot of the Castle Hill and to visit it we have to go through two of it's famous streets, Nerudova and Mostecká whose baroque buildings left me impressed.

Grande parte dos edificios do bairro foram construídos no século XVII e XVIII, um dos mais emblemáticos é o da Igreja de S. Nicolas conhecida pelos frescos que decoram o seu interior entre eles o da cúpula criados por Franz Palko. Construída na Praça de Malostranské (Malostranské náměstí náměstí) partilha protagonismo com a coluna da Santíssima Trindade.
Outra das curiosidades do bairro é o Museu de Gingerbread cujo o nome engana já que é uma loja totalmente dedicada a bolachinhas de gengibre de todas as formas e feitios. Vale mesmo um passeio por aqui e só tive pena de não ter tido mais tempo para explorar mais ruas do bairro.
Much of the buildings in the neighborhood were built in the seventeenth and eighteenth century, one of the most emblematic is the St. Nicholas Church known for the frescoes decorating the interior including the one on the dome created by Franz Palko. Built in the Malostranské Square (Malostranské náměstí) it shares the spotlight with the column of the Holy Trinity.
Another of the curiosities of the neighborhood is the Gingerbread Museum whose name may be deceiving as it is a store dedicated entirely to gingerbread cookies of all shapes and sizes. It's really worth a walk around and just felt sorry that I didn't had more time to explore the neighborhood streets.
Another of the curiosities of the neighborhood is the Gingerbread Museum whose name may be deceiving as it is a store dedicated entirely to gingerbread cookies of all shapes and sizes. It's really worth a walk around and just felt sorry that I didn't had more time to explore the neighborhood streets.

Metro: Malostranská
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