É o segundo parque temático que abriu em 2002, alguns anos depois de ter ido pela primeira vez á Disneyland Paris (na altura chamavam-lhe Eurodisney). Oferece uma visão sobre os bastidores do cinema e televisão, veículos da magia e imaginação da Walt Disney. Aqui as suas estrelas mais recentes ganham protagonismo: Woody, Buzz Lightyear, o Crush do Nemo, Ratatui, entre outros.
It is the second theme park that opened in 2002, some years after I went for the first time to Disneyland Paris (at the time called Eurodisney). Offers an insight into the behind the scenes of film and television, the vehicles of the magic and imagination of Walt Disney. Here their latest stars gain prominence: Woody, Buzz Lightyear, the Nemo Crush, Ratatouille, among others.

São dois parques separados o que significa que para entrar é preciso um bilhete próprio para o efeito ainda aqui se os pode em combinado. O acesso entre um e o outro é facilitado e no mesmo dia é possível entrar e sair as vezes que queiramos. No Front Lot está uma pequena estátua de Mickey do filme de Fantasia e foi onde tirámos as nossas fotos de familia com o Mickey e a Minnie.
Para conhecer o resto do parque temos que pasar pelo Estudio 1 onde estão algumas lojas e restaurantes. Fora encontramos o Walt Disney e o Mickey que nos dão as boas vindas. No Backlot e no Production Lot estão algumas das atrações mais emocionantes do parque como a Rock n'Roller Coaster avec Aerosmith (que dizem ser a mais rápida entre os dois parques) e a Hollywood Tower hotel.
They are two separate parks which means that it is necessary to have bought tickets for this one however you buy a combined one. Access from one to the other is facilitated and on the same day you can come and go as often as you like. In Front Lot is a small Mickey statue fantasy film and that's where we took our family picture with Mickey and Minnie.
To see the rest of the park have to pass over the Studio 1 where some shops and restaurants are located. Outside the Walt Disney and Mickey that give us welcome. In Backlot and Production Lot there are some of the most exciting attractions of the park as the Rock n'Roller Coaster avec Aerosmith (said to be the fastest between the two parks) and the Hollywood Tower Hotel.
To see the rest of the park have to pass over the Studio 1 where some shops and restaurants are located. Outside the Walt Disney and Mickey that give us welcome. In Backlot and Production Lot there are some of the most exciting attractions of the park as the Rock n'Roller Coaster avec Aerosmith (said to be the fastest between the two parks) and the Hollywood Tower Hotel.

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