Aproveitámos um intervalo no calor que fazia em Espanha para marcar um fim de semana em León, capital da provincia e da comunidade autónoma de Castela e Leão é uma das cidades que tinha curiosidade por conhecer por dois monumentos que se destacam: a Catedral e a casa de los Botines criada por Gaudí. Visitámos a primeira e confirmámos que é uma das mais bonitas que já vimos em Espanha.
We took a break from the hot weather in Spain to book a weekend in Leon, capital of the province and the autonomous community of Castile and Leon, is one of the cities that was curious to know because of two monuments that stand out: the Cathedral and the House de los Botines created by Gaudí. We visited the first and confirmed that it is one of the nicest we've ever seen in Spain.

Impressiona logo ao primeiro olhar, instalada numa praça que permite uma vista desafogada da sua fachada de estilo gótico e a parte lateral não conseguimos ver na totalidade porque estava a decorrer o Mercado Romano. Já no seu interior e depois de pagar as entradas, percorremos as suas três naves sem deixar de olhar para todos os detalhes, os maravilhosos vitrais, os arcos ogivais, o coro trabalhado, o altar-mor e as várias capelas onde encontrámos uma dedicada ao Santo António. A sua construção começa no século XIII e tardou quase cem anos para estar completa. León tem muito para ver mas vale a pena a visita nem que seja só pela sua Catedral.
Impressive at the first look, installed in a square that allows an unobstructed view of the facade with it's Gothic style and the side we can not see in full because I was running the Roman Market. In it's interior and after paying the entrance, we have walked through it's three ships while looking at all the details, the wonderful stained glass windows, the pointed arches, the working choir, the high altar and various chapels where we found one dedicated to San Antonio. Its construction begins in the thirteenth century and soon nearly a hundred years to complete. Leon has much to see and it's worth a visit even if only for its Cathedral.
Impressive at the first look, installed in a square that allows an unobstructed view of the facade with it's Gothic style and the side we can not see in full because I was running the Roman Market. In it's interior and after paying the entrance, we have walked through it's three ships while looking at all the details, the wonderful stained glass windows, the pointed arches, the working choir, the high altar and various chapels where we found one dedicated to San Antonio. Its construction begins in the thirteenth century and soon nearly a hundred years to complete. Leon has much to see and it's worth a visit even if only for its Cathedral.

Capela da Virgem Branca


Túmulo do Bispo Martín, o "Zamorano"

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