Decidimos não contratar pequeno-almoço no nosso hotel (era muito $$$$) e foi assim que chegámos ao Rua 11, sem ter que fazer uma grande caminhada. Achei que era bastante acolhedor por dentro e foi o que primeiro nos chamou a atenção, queríamos o típico pequeno-almoço espanhol: pan tostado con tomaca e café con leche, bom no meu caso era mais leite com chocolate. Tínhamos pedido umas fatias de bolo mas ao parecer eram oferta com os cafés o que foi ainda melhor.
We decided not to hire breakfast at our hotel (it was very $$$$) and that's how we arrived at Rua 11, without having to do a great walk. Found it quite cozy inside and was what first caught our attention, we wanted the typical spanish breakfast: toasted bread con tomaca (tomato sauce) and cafe con leche, well in my case it was more chocolate milk. We had ordered a cake slices but apparently wthey ere offering them with the cafes which was even better.
Website: http://www.rua11.es/inicio
Morada: Calle La Rúa 11
We decided not to hire breakfast at our hotel (it was very $$$$) and that's how we arrived at Rua 11, without having to do a great walk. Found it quite cozy inside and was what first caught our attention, we wanted the typical spanish breakfast: toasted bread con tomaca (tomato sauce) and cafe con leche, well in my case it was more chocolate milk. We had ordered a cake slices but apparently wthey ere offering them with the cafes which was even better.

Estavam óptimos mas vinham em pequenas porções (porque eram grátis) quanto á tostada óptima como sempre se espera, com uma boa fatia de pão torrada com um fio de azeite e tomate tudo com uma pitadinha de sal. Mas o Rua 11 é mais do que isto, tivémos pena de não ter mais tempo para provar outras coisas porque a sua carta prometia: tostas de "picoteo", bolos caseiros e "empanadas", fica para a próxima.
They were great but came in small portions (because they were free) and the tostada was great as always expected, with a good slice of toasted bread with a little olive oil and tomato everything with a pinch of salt. But the Rua 11 is more than that, we regret not having more time to try other things because it's menú promised: toast of "picoteo", homemade cakes and "empanadas", maybe next time.
They were great but came in small portions (because they were free) and the tostada was great as always expected, with a good slice of toasted bread with a little olive oil and tomato everything with a pinch of salt. But the Rua 11 is more than that, we regret not having more time to try other things because it's menú promised: toast of "picoteo", homemade cakes and "empanadas", maybe next time.

Website: http://www.rua11.es/inicio
Morada: Calle La Rúa 11
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