Reabriu o ano passado um dos pontos mais altos de Madrid depois de uma década fechado por motivos de segurança, o Faro de Moncloa tem cento e dez metros de altura e foi inaugurado em 1992 a tempo para as celebrações da Capital Europeia da Cultura. O seu nome original era a Torre de Iluminação e Comunicação, dizem que seria para ajudar a controlar o trânsito numa das mais movimentadas entradas para o centro de Madrid mas logo na abertura surgiram alguns problemas com a torre e em 2005 por não cumprir todas as normas de segurança fechou até 2015...
Reopened last year one of the highest points of Madrid after a decade closed for security reasons, the Faro de Moncloa is hundred and ten meters high and was opened in 1992 in time for the celebrations of the European Capital of Culture. Its original name was the Tower Light and Communications, said it would be to help control traffic in one of the busiest entrances to the center of Madrid but in the opening there were some problems with the tower and in 2005 because it did not meet all standards security closed 2015 ...
Reopened last year one of the highest points of Madrid after a decade closed for security reasons, the Faro de Moncloa is hundred and ten meters high and was opened in 1992 in time for the celebrations of the European Capital of Culture. Its original name was the Tower Light and Communications, said it would be to help control traffic in one of the busiest entrances to the center of Madrid but in the opening there were some problems with the tower and in 2005 because it did not meet all standards security closed 2015 ...

As entradas custam 3€ por adulto e as crianças maiores de sete anos pagam 1,5€, os mais novos não pagam. Subimos até aos 92 metros que é onde se encontra o miradouro e desde ali temos uma vista panorâmica impressionante sobre a cidade, podemos ver desde as Quatro Torres e as Torres Kio, toda a zona de Moncloa, o bairro de Chamberí, a Casa de Campo e a Serra de Guadarrama. Além disso para os que não conhecem bem a cidade tem umas placas que ajudam a entender o que estamos a ver. A sua reabertura foi uma excelente ideia e Madrid ganha mais um edificio de interesse turístico.
Tickets are 3€ per adult and children over seven years pay 1,5€, the youngest go in for free. We climb up to 92 meters which is where the viewpoint is and from therewe have an impressive panoramic view of the city, we can see from the Four Towers and the Kio Towers, the whole area of Moncloa, the Chamberí district, Villa and Sierra de Guadarrama. In addition to those who do not know the city has some signs that help you understand what we are watching. Its reopening was an excellent idea and Madrid wins another building of tourist interest.
Tickets are 3€ per adult and children over seven years pay 1,5€, the youngest go in for free. We climb up to 92 meters which is where the viewpoint is and from therewe have an impressive panoramic view of the city, we can see from the Four Towers and the Kio Towers, the whole area of Moncloa, the Chamberí district, Villa and Sierra de Guadarrama. In addition to those who do not know the city has some signs that help you understand what we are watching. Its reopening was an excellent idea and Madrid wins another building of tourist interest.

Morada: Avenida Arco de la Vitoria 2
Metro: Moncloa
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