Queria conhecer Las Vistillas e saber se o nome tinha algo que ver com uma vista privilegiada para uma parte de Madrid que hoje não conseguimos ver bem desde o Viaduto de Segóvia porque está vedado (demasiadas mortes por suicidio), na realidade teve no tempo em que o jardim foi criado mas entre todo o arvoredo consegui ver apenas uma parte da Catedral de Almudena. Ainda assim tem detalhes interessantes e é um lugar sossegado onde se pode fugir do reboliço da cidade para ler um livro ou namorar como por ali vi.
I wanted to see Las Vistillas and whether the name had something to do with a privileged view of a part of Madrid that today we can not see well from the Viaduct Segovia because it is forbidden (too many deaths from suicide) actually had at the time the garden was created but among all the trees you could see only part of the Almudena Cathedral. Still has interesting details and is a quiet place where you can escape the city hustle to read a book or dating as seen through there.
Morada: Plaza Gabriel Miró
Metro: La Latina
I wanted to see Las Vistillas and whether the name had something to do with a privileged view of a part of Madrid that today we can not see well from the Viaduct Segovia because it is forbidden (too many deaths from suicide) actually had at the time the garden was created but among all the trees you could see only part of the Almudena Cathedral. Still has interesting details and is a quiet place where you can escape the city hustle to read a book or dating as seen through there.

Uma das zonas principais destes pequenos jardins é o Monumento a Ramón Gómez de la Serna, um escritor e jornalista madrilenho que nasceu no final do século XIX. Localizado numa praça dedicada a outro escritor, Gabriel Miró e está composto por uma fonte, á sua volta várias cadeiras permitem aproveitar o bom tempo e apreciar a vista para Catedral. Na outra ponta está uma estátua de La Violetera, depois de muito pesquisar na internet ao parecer este monumento a uma profissão que já não existe de mulheres que vendiam violetas perto da Calle de Alcalá tornou-se algo polémico. Surgiram suspeitas de que a musa para que Santiago de Santiago criara a escultura era uma figura com associações a um determinado partido político, por isso veio parar aqui que de alguma forma desilude porque leva-nos a acreditar e a imaginar como seriam estas vendedores pelo parque.
One of the main areas of these small gardens is the Monument to Ramón Gómez de la Serna, a writer and Madrid-based journalist who was born in the late nineteenth century. Located in a square dedicated to another writer, Gabriel Miró and is composed of a source, several chairs around you let you enjoy the good weather and the view of Cathedral. At the other end is a statue of La Violetera, after much searching on the internet to look this monument to a profession that no longer exists of women selling violets near the Calle de Alcalá became something controversial. Arose suspicions that the muse to Santiago de Santiago created the sculpture was a figure with associations to a particular political party, so get here that somehow disappoints because it leads us to believe and imagine how would these vendors at park.
One of the main areas of these small gardens is the Monument to Ramón Gómez de la Serna, a writer and Madrid-based journalist who was born in the late nineteenth century. Located in a square dedicated to another writer, Gabriel Miró and is composed of a source, several chairs around you let you enjoy the good weather and the view of Cathedral. At the other end is a statue of La Violetera, after much searching on the internet to look this monument to a profession that no longer exists of women selling violets near the Calle de Alcalá became something controversial. Arose suspicions that the muse to Santiago de Santiago created the sculpture was a figure with associations to a particular political party, so get here that somehow disappoints because it leads us to believe and imagine how would these vendors at park.

Morada: Plaza Gabriel Miró
Metro: La Latina
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