Do alto da Acrópole tínhamos visto o Templo de Zeus Olímpico, dali era uma pequena miniatura e quando entrámos no recinto onde está as nossas bocas ficaram abertas durante algum tempo. Não estávamos preparados para a sua dimensão, para a altura dos seus pilares em mármore.
Ali estávamos a ver apenas quinze colunas e seria realmente espantoso se tivesse as originais cento e quatro. Fizémos questão de tirar fotos o mais perto possível das colunas para que mais tarde pudéssemos recordar essa grande diferença entre a formiga e o elefante.
From atop the Acrópolis we had seen the Temple of Olympian Zeus, from there it was a small thumbnail and when we entered the room where our mouths were open for some time. We were not prepared for their size, to the height of its marble pillars.
There were only fifteen columns to see and it would be really amazing if you had the original one hundred and four. We made a matter of taking pictures as close to the speakers so that later we could remember this great difference between the ant and the elephant.
There were only fifteen columns to see and it would be really amazing if you had the original one hundred and four. We made a matter of taking pictures as close to the speakers so that later we could remember this great difference between the ant and the elephant.
Creio que colossal será o melhor termo para descrevê-lo e nem quero imaginar qual seria a sensação de vê-lo completo. Foi sem dúvida um dos nossos lugares favoritos de Atenas.
I think that colosal is the best term to describe it and I don't even want to imagine what it would feel like to see it complete. It was certainly one of our favorite places in Athens.
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