Antes de visitar Girona, uma das primeiras imagens que vi da cidade foi as casas sobre o rio Onyar.
O pitoresco cenário do reflexo das casas no rio é muitas vezes comparado a Veneza e percebemos porquê, no entanto Girona ou Gerona, tem o seu próprio encanto e charme.
As duas margens estão ligadas por várias pontes, uma delas é a Ponte de Pedra e depois há igualmente famosa ponte metálica desenhada por Gustave Eiffel.
Before visiting Girona, one of the first pictures I saw of the city was the houses on the river Onyar.
The picturesque scenery of the reflection of the houses on the river is often compared to Venice and realize why, in Girona or Gerona however, has its own charm and charm.
The two sides are connected by several bridges, one of which is the Stone Bridge and then there are also famous metal bridge designed by Gustave Eiffel.
The picturesque scenery of the reflection of the houses on the river is often compared to Venice and realize why, in Girona or Gerona however, has its own charm and charm.
The two sides are connected by several bridges, one of which is the Stone Bridge and then there are also famous metal bridge designed by Gustave Eiffel.

Os coloridos edificios que surgem reflectidos no rio, albergam casas, lojas para além de alguns bares e restaurantes, que têm mesas com vista para este maravilhoso cenário.
The colorful buildings that appear reflected in the river harbor houses, shops as well as some bars and restaurants that have tables overlooking this wonderful scenery.

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