A primeira coisa que vimos em Colmar foi este parque e por momentos não conseguimos apreciá-lo na totalidade, o nosso cérebro dizia aos nossos olhos para procurar as famosas casas de estilo Alsaciano, a Petit Venise, etc.. Mas fomos completamente absorvidos pela grande animação que por ali havia, muita gente e actividades relacionadas com a Páscoa (miúdos á procurar dos ovos).
Sentimos também inveja dos miúdos que aproveitavam os grandes repuxos de água Praça Rapp para se refrescarem de um dia que não sendo de Verão estava bastante quente.
The first thing we saw in Colmar was this park and at times we could not enjoy it at all, our brain said to our eyes to look for the famous Alsatian style houses, the Petit Venise, etc. .. But we were completely absorbed by the great animation here, with many people and activities related to Easter (kids will look for eggs).
We also feel envious of the kids who took advantage of the great wáter fountains of the Rapp square to cool off from a day that although it was not summer it was quite hot.
We also feel envious of the kids who took advantage of the great wáter fountains of the Rapp square to cool off from a day that although it was not summer it was quite hot.

Este é o maior espaço verde dentro do centro histórico de Colmar, foi construido nos séculos XVIII e XIX. Tem um grande espaço verde que converge para a fonte onde podemos ver a estátua do Almirante Bruat que nasceu na cidade e que serviu na Marinha Francesa em pleno apogeu das guerras Napoleónicas. Mas não é a única estátua de um militar da cidade que serviu Napoleão, na praça ao lado do parque está a estátua de Jean Rapp onde podemos ler na base: "Ma parole est sacrée" (A minha palavra é sagrada).
Havia pelo parque todo o tipo de animação desde um carrousel, a músicos com acordeão, a jogos da Páscoa, etc. Creio que o visitámos na melhor altura.
This is the largest green space in the historical center of Colmar, it was built in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. It has a large green space that converges to a fountain where we can see the statue of Admiral Bruat who was born in the city and who served in the French Navy at the height of the Napoleonic wars. But it is the only statue of a military from town that served Napoleon, in the square next to the park is a statue of Jean Rapp where we can read at the bottom: "Ma parole est sacrée" (My word is sacred).
The park had all kinds of animation from one carrousel, to the musicians with accordion, the Easter games, etc.. I think we visited in the best of times.
The park had all kinds of animation from one carrousel, to the musicians with accordion, the Easter games, etc.. I think we visited in the best of times.

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