Desde a Praça da Concórdia até á Praça Charles de Gaulle (onde está o Arco do Triunfo), vão quase dois quilómetros de avenida a que chamam a mais bela do mundo. Foi a segunda vez que a percorri ainda que com uns 13 anos de distância e continua a impressionar, pelo número de pessoas que passam por ali, pela dimensão e tipo de lojas, pela arquitectura dos edificios em que o luxo começa logo nos portões trabalhados.
From the Place de la Concorde to the Place Charles de Gaulle (where the Arc de Triomphe is), it's almost two miles of avenue that they call the world's most beautiful. It was the second time that I walked through it with a 13 years distance and it continues to impress, the number of people that walk through it, the size and type of shops, the architecture of the buildings where the luxury starts right at their decorated gates.

Logo no inicio da avenida, o Petite e o Grand Palais, depois entrámos nos agitados passeios da avenida onde lojas, cafés, stands de automóveis, cinemas, procuram atrair mais clientes. Os cafés vão dos habituais franchises como o Starbucks ou o Brioche Dorée, a propostas mais arrojadas como o Unisex.
Dificil é andar pela avenida sem gastar um tostão, sem entrar numa loja e comprar uma peça de roupa e sem sentar num café. Aqui encontramos desde as melhores lojas, as mais luxuosas passando pelas habituais H&M, Gap, etc..
Também aqui as montras ganham outra vida e outra relevância, aqui é o local para dar nas vistas, para atrair clientes, para inspirar...
Right at the beginning of the avenue, the Petite and Grand Palais, after it we entered the hectic sidewalk of the avenue where shops, cafes, car showrooms, cinemas, are seeking to attract more customers. The cafes go from the the usual franchises like Starbucks or Brioche Doree, to the bolder proposals as Unisex.
It is difficult to walk the avenue without spending a penny, without going into a shop and buy a piece of clothing and without sitting in a cafe. Here we find from the best stores, the most luxurious to the usual H & M, Gap, etc..
Also here the shop windows gain another life and another relevance, here is the place to atract attention, customers, inspire...
It is difficult to walk the avenue without spending a penny, without going into a shop and buy a piece of clothing and without sitting in a cafe. Here we find from the best stores, the most luxurious to the usual H & M, Gap, etc..
Also here the shop windows gain another life and another relevance, here is the place to atract attention, customers, inspire...

Comprámos alguns souvenirs neste quiosque, tinha um grande variedade de imans para além das habituais revistas e jornais.
E por falar em montras, a óptica Grand Optical tinha uma das melhores com as fotos de cães usando óculos, claro que estará em todas as lojas do país mas no ambiente em que está torna-se ainda mais interessante.
Entrámos na loja da Peugeot como se de um museu se tratasse, fantástico para a imagem da marca que consegue assim mais visitantes e mais notoriedade. Tudo para ver um carro antigo e um carro de corridas para as 24 horas de Le Mans.
We bought some souvenirs at this kiosk, that had a wide variety of magnets in addition to the usual magazines and newspapers.
And speaking of windows, the Grand Optical was one of the best with photos of dogs wearing glasses, of course it will be in all stores in the country but in this setting it becomes even more interesting.
We entered the shop of Peugeot as if it was a museum, fantastic for the brand image they get more visitors and get more notoriety. All to see an old car and a race car for the 24 Hours of Le Mans.
And speaking of windows, the Grand Optical was one of the best with photos of dogs wearing glasses, of course it will be in all stores in the country but in this setting it becomes even more interesting.
We entered the shop of Peugeot as if it was a museum, fantastic for the brand image they get more visitors and get more notoriety. All to see an old car and a race car for the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

Voltamos ás lojas de luxo, a Louis Vuitton, Hugo Boss e a Montblanc são apenas algumas dessas marcas com portas abertas mas não para todas as carteiras.
E antes de chegar ao Arco do Triunfo, um gelado de máquina para refrescar o caminho...como dizia impossível não gastar um euro que seja.
We return to the luxury stores, Louis Vuitton, Hugo Boss and Montblanc are just some of these brands with doors open here but not for all wallets.
And before you get to the Arc de Triomphe, an icecream to cool the way ... as I said impossible not spend a euro that is.
And before you get to the Arc de Triomphe, an icecream to cool the way ... as I said impossible not spend a euro that is.

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