Tínhamos acabado de entrar na avenida dos Campos Elisios, “estacionámos” as bicicletas e procurávamos um sitio para lanchar, a fome apertava e pedalar ainda nos fazia sentir mais vontade de comer.
Entrámos no Paul da Avenue Franklin Roosevelt por acaso, tinha excelente aspecto, com uma esplanada óptima e decidimos ficar por ali. Assim que vimos a montra dos bolos deu-me vontade de comer tudo, levar uma caixa dos famosos macarons mas conseguimos resistir.
We had just entered the Avenue des Champs Élysées, we "parked" our bikes and start looking for a place to have a snack, we were starving and riding the bike made us feel more like eating.
We entered Paul's in the Avenue Franklin Roosevelt by chance, it looked great, with a nice terrace and decided to stay there. Once we saw the cakes window it made me want to eat everything, buy a box of the famous macarons but we were able to resist.
We entered Paul's in the Avenue Franklin Roosevelt by chance, it looked great, with a nice terrace and decided to stay there. Once we saw the cakes window it made me want to eat everything, buy a box of the famous macarons but we were able to resist.

Pedi uma fatia de tarte de limao e estava simplesmente deliciosa. Se não tivéssemos um horario tao apertado para visitar Paris teria ficado ali mais um pouco a provar mais doces enquanto ia lendo o guia de França.
Numa parte do restaurante vimos que dizia desde 1889, a data referia-se ao negócio em si e nao própriamente á loja em questao, mas 122 anos de longevidade é obra e têm mais lojas em Paris uma na própria Champs Elisées que descobrimos mais tarde.
I asked for a slice of lemon pie and it was simply delicious. If we didn't have limited time to visit Paris we would have stayed a little more to taste their cakes while reading the guide of France.
In one part of the restaurant we saw that said since 1889, the date referred to the business itself, rather than the store in question, but 122 years of longevity is an achievement and it has more stores in Paris, also in Champs Elysées there's one which we find out later.
In one part of the restaurant we saw that said since 1889, the date referred to the business itself, rather than the store in question, but 122 years of longevity is an achievement and it has more stores in Paris, also in Champs Elysées there's one which we find out later.

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