Na Rue Mercière a oferta de restaurantes é tão grande que torna a decisão ainda mais complicada, decidimos seguir o nosso instinto e escolhemos o Le Layon. Conseguimos uma mesa na esplanada pelo o que o ambiente já estava criado.
Tivémos alguma dificuldade a entender a ementa que estava em francês, pedimos uma em inglês mas não responderam que tinham, simplesmente chamaram outro empregado que falava inglês e "arranhava" o espanhol, só assim conseguimos entender o que nos podia calhar no prato.
On Rue Mercière the restaurants choice it's so big that makes the decision even more complicated, we decided to follow our instincts and chose Le Layon. We got a table on the terrace by what the environment was already created.
We had some difficulty to understand the menu since it was in French, we asked for one in English but didn't answered they didn't have, they had simply called another waiter who spoke English and "scratched" a bit of Spaniard, just so we can understand what we could get on a plate.

We had some difficulty to understand the menu since it was in French, we asked for one in English but didn't answered they didn't have, they had simply called another waiter who spoke English and "scratched" a bit of Spaniard, just so we can understand what we could get on a plate.

Para começar pedimos uma salada gourmande, com feijão verde e foie gras.
Depois o marido comeu bacalhau (morue) com tagliatelli fresco e eu comi lombinhos com puré de batata. A escolha não parecia espectacular ou muito típica de Lyon mas o sabor compensou.
To start we ordered a salad gourmande with green beans and foie gras.
After my husband ate cod (morue) with fresh tagliatelli and I ate tenderloin with mashed potatoes. The choice did not look spectacular or very typical of Lyon but the taste made up for it.
To start we ordered a salad gourmande with green beans and foie gras.
After my husband ate cod (morue) with fresh tagliatelli and I ate tenderloin with mashed potatoes. The choice did not look spectacular or very typical of Lyon but the taste made up for it.

Para sobremesa, não podia faltar o crème brulée que estava delicioso. Eu pedi um gelado de framboesa com limão que não terminei porque estava demasiado ácido.
For dessert, we could not miss the creme brulee which was delicious. I ordered a raspberry sorbet with lemon that I didn't finish because it was too acid for me.

Website: http://www.lelayon.fr/
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