Antes de ir de viagem, perguntei a uma colega francesa que restaurantes me recomendava em Lyon, sabendo de antemão que é a capital da boa cozinha e a probabilidade de entrar num que seja bom sem perguntar é muito elevada. Mas ela respondeu: qualquer um da Rue Mercière.
Quis o destino que o único hotel com quartos e com um preço acessível (um Best Western) era a pouco menos de cinco minutos dessa mesma rua.
Before travelling, I asked a French colleague to recommend some restaurants in Lyon, knowing beforehand this is the capital of good cuisine and the probability of entering a good one without asking is very high. But she answered: any of Rue Mercière.
As fate would have it, the only hotel with rooms and an affordable price (a Best Western) was a little less than five minutes this same Street.
As fate would have it, the only hotel with rooms and an affordable price (a Best Western) was a little less than five minutes this same Street.

Aproveitamos melhor a rua com bom tempo, as esplanadas estão montadas e enche-se de gente á procura do restaurante certo para comer. A oferta é muita e de facto dificil é mesmo escolher.
Para os que procuram a cozinha mais típica de Lyon, falamos normalmente de um "bouchon Lyonnais", cuja ementa contém algumas das melhores receitas da região como a "salade Lyonnais", andoulliete (uma salchicha com porco e especiarias), Coq au Vin, etc..
Hoje em dia á uma Associação para defender a autenticidade dos Bouchons em Lyon, entregando certificados aos que merecem. Honestamente não vi se os restaurantes afixavam essas certificações e nem reparei se haviam muitos com essa indicação. Reparávamos sim no bom aspecto que a comida tinha quando víamos as pessoas nas esplanadas a comer.
Acabámos por jantar no Le Layon que deixo a descrição para um post seguinte.
You take full advantage of this Street with good weather, the terraces are assembled and it is filled with people looking for the right restaurant to eat. The offer is very difficult and in fact is even pick.
For those seeking a more typical cuisine of Lyon, they speak normally of a "bouchon Lyonnais", whose menu contains some of the best recipes of the region as the "salade Lyonnais", andoulliete (a sausage with pork and spices), Coq au Vin, etc. ..
Nowadays there is an association to defend the authenticity of the Bouchons in Lyon, delivering certificates to those who deserve it. Honestly I did not see if the restaurants posted these certifications. We did notice how great the food looked when we saw the people eating in the terraces.
We ended up dining at Le Layon I leave the description for following post.
For those seeking a more typical cuisine of Lyon, they speak normally of a "bouchon Lyonnais", whose menu contains some of the best recipes of the region as the "salade Lyonnais", andoulliete (a sausage with pork and spices), Coq au Vin, etc. ..
Nowadays there is an association to defend the authenticity of the Bouchons in Lyon, delivering certificates to those who deserve it. Honestly I did not see if the restaurants posted these certifications. We did notice how great the food looked when we saw the people eating in the terraces.
We ended up dining at Le Layon I leave the description for following post.

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