Na impossibilidade de visitar a Capela Sistina no Vaticano (por falta de tempo e paciência para aguentar as intermináveis filas), achámos que visitar a Igreja de S. Inácio ajudaria a compensar essa falta.
Sem filas para entrar e a uns 5 minutos a pé (nem tanto) do nosso hotel pareceu-nos ser uma preciosidade ofuscada pela famosa capela com frescos de Miguel Ângelo.
Failing to visit the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican (for lack of time and patience to endure the endless queues), we felt that visiting the church of S. Ignatius helped to compensate that void.
No queues to get in and a 5 minute walk (not even) from our hotel seemed to us to be a gem overshadowed by the famous chapel frescoed by Michelangelo.
No queues to get in and a 5 minute walk (not even) from our hotel seemed to us to be a gem overshadowed by the famous chapel frescoed by Michelangelo.

Se calhar estamos a comparar a formiga ao elefante, não sabemos porque só visitámos a igreja de qualquer forma esta deixou-nos impressionados. Ficámos encostados á sua porta a apreciar o tecto coberto com os frescos de Andrea Pozzo, não nos conseguimos mover durantes uns bons minutos e só as dores no pescoço nos obrigaram a explorar outras partes da igreja.
Construída no século XVII em honra do fundador da Companhia de Jesus (dos jesuítas), Inácio de Loyola após a sua canonização pelo Papa Gregório XV. Se pensarmos que S. Inácio fundou uma das maiores ordens religiosas do mundo eu diria que esta igreja é sem dúvida uma das maiores homenagens que se lhe poderia prestar.
Maybe we are comparing the ant with the elephant, we don't know because we only visited this church but anyway we were impressed. We were leaning on it's door to enjoy the ceiling covered with frescoes by Andrea Pozzo, we couldn't move during a short period and only neck pain forced us to explore other parts of the church.
Built in the seventeenth century in honor of the founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), Ignatius of Loyola after his canonization by Pope Gregory XV. If we think that S. Ignatius founded one of the largest religious orders in the world I would say that this church is without doubt one of the greatest honors that one could make.
Built in the seventeenth century in honor of the founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), Ignatius of Loyola after his canonization by Pope Gregory XV. If we think that S. Ignatius founded one of the largest religious orders in the world I would say that this church is without doubt one of the greatest honors that one could make.

Reconhecemos algumas figuras bíblicas nos vários frescos pintados nos tectos como o David segurando a cabeça de Golias na mão.
Os frescos do altar-mor continuam a deixar-nos impressionados, mais uma parte história do Santo Inácio é ali retratada, o momento em que recebeu o chamamento divino e o seu encontro com Francisco Bórgia.
Voltamos a dar um descanso ao pescoço e vemos as várias capelas nas laterais da nave da igreja. Outro dos monumentos impressionantes é o mausoléu do Papa Gregório XV e do seu sobrinho o Cardeal Ludovisi, ambos responsáveis pela construção desta igreja.
We recognized some biblical figures in several frescoed ceilings as David holding Goliath's head in his hand.
The frescoes of the high altar still leave us impressed, a part of St. Ignatius history is portrayed here, the moment he received the divine call and his meeting with Francis Borgia.
We again give a rest to the neck and see the various chapels on either side of the aisle. Another impressive monument is the mausoleum of Pope Gregory XV and his nephew Cardinal Ludovisi, both responsible for the construction of this church.
The frescoes of the high altar still leave us impressed, a part of St. Ignatius history is portrayed here, the moment he received the divine call and his meeting with Francis Borgia.
We again give a rest to the neck and see the various chapels on either side of the aisle. Another impressive monument is the mausoleum of Pope Gregory XV and his nephew Cardinal Ludovisi, both responsible for the construction of this church.

A sua distância até ao Panteão é muito curta e a julgar pelo escasso número de turistas que a visitavam anda um pouco fora dos mapas turísticos de Roma. Sendo que a cidade tem muitos e grandiosos monumentos entendo que acabe por passar um pouco despercebida mas se um dia voltar a Roma (e para isso lá atirei uma moedinha na Fonte de Trevi) espero voltar aqui outra vez.
Sem filas, sem pressa para poder disfrutar e contemplar.
A "piazza" onde está localizada tem o seu nome e muito charme. Um dos edificios alberga os "carabineri" e vemos apenas um restaurante com esplanada ali.
Its distance to the Pantheon is very short and judging by the small number of tourists who visited it's still a bit off the tourist maps of Rome. Since the city has many magnificent monuments I understand that it will eventually go a bit unnoticed but if one day I return to Rome (and for that I threw a coin in the Trevi Fountain) I hope to return here again.
No queues, no rush to be able to enjoy and contemplate.
The "piazza" where it is located has the same name and lots of charm. One of the buildings houses the "carabineri" and see only a restaurant with terrace there.
No queues, no rush to be able to enjoy and contemplate.
The "piazza" where it is located has the same name and lots of charm. One of the buildings houses the "carabineri" and see only a restaurant with terrace there.

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