O primeiro contacto que tivémos com o Obiká foi no Campo di Fiori, procurávamos um restaurante para jantar e este chamou-me a atenção. Se não tivesse o "Mozzarella Bar" ao lado acharia que era um japonês mas não era afinal um local de culto da Mozzarella, que eu não sabia mas pelos vistos tem região demarcada, ou pelo menos a de Bufala Campana sim. (http://www.mozzarelladop.it/)
The first contact we had with Obikà was in Campo di Fiori, we looking for a restaurant to have dinner and this caught my attention. If you do not have the "Mozzarella Bar" written next to the name I would think it was a Japanese restaurant but no, it was the ultimately place of worship of Mozzarella, I did not know but apparently it has a demarcated region, or at least of Bufala Campana does. (http://www.mozzarelladop.it/)
The first contact we had with Obikà was in Campo di Fiori, we looking for a restaurant to have dinner and this caught my attention. If you do not have the "Mozzarella Bar" written next to the name I would think it was a Japanese restaurant but no, it was the ultimately place of worship of Mozzarella, I did not know but apparently it has a demarcated region, or at least of Bufala Campana does. (http://www.mozzarelladop.it/)

Na altura decidimos não entrar e fomos a outro na mesma praça, de qualquer forma este tinha ficado na nossa mente e quando estamos no aeroporto de Fiumicino á espera do nosso voo, não pensámos duas vezes e sentámo-nos ao balcão para entender realmente o que é um Mozzarella Bar.
Primeiro aprendemos que a mozzarella de búfala de Campana tem pelo menos quatro sabores:
Paestum (mais delicado)
Pontina (sabor mais forte e salgado)
Affumicata (sabor forte e fumado)
Stracciatella di Burrata (doce e cremosa)
Pontina (sabor mais forte e salgado)
Affumicata (sabor forte e fumado)
Stracciatella di Burrata (doce e cremosa)
Depois para as provar ou pedimos um prato com duas ou mais variedades, ou uma salada em que ela é a estrela e os actores secundários são as verduras e o presunto, entre outros. E mesmo dentro do que são os tais secundários, a sua selecção é de qualidade.
At the time we decided not to go and went to another in the same square, anyway this had been in our minds and when we are at Fiumicino airport waiting for our flight, we did not think twice and sat on the counter to really understand what Mozzarella Bar is.
First we learn that the buffalo mozzarella Campana has at least four flavors:
Paestum (more delicate)
Pontine (stronger flavor and salty)
Affumicata (strong flavor and smoked)
Stracciatella di Burrata (sweet and creamy)
Then to taste them either you ask for a dish of two or more varieties, or a salad in which it is the star and the supporting actors are the vegetables and ham, among others. And even within those that are secondary, their selection is high quality.
At the time we decided not to go and went to another in the same square, anyway this had been in our minds and when we are at Fiumicino airport waiting for our flight, we did not think twice and sat on the counter to really understand what Mozzarella Bar is.
First we learn that the buffalo mozzarella Campana has at least four flavors:
Paestum (more delicate)
Pontine (stronger flavor and salty)
Affumicata (strong flavor and smoked)
Stracciatella di Burrata (sweet and creamy)
Then to taste them either you ask for a dish of two or more varieties, or a salad in which it is the star and the supporting actors are the vegetables and ham, among others. And even within those that are secondary, their selection is high quality.

Escolhi a mozzarella "affumicata" acompanhada por legumes grelhados com molho de pesto. Fiquei fã. O sabor da mozzarella é dificil de descrever de tão bom que é, nem nunca pensei que poderia ser tão rico e intenso. Sim a mozzarella, a mesma que muitas vezes utilizamos com apenas mais um complemento de uma salada e que afinal é algo muito melhor que isso.
I chose the mozzarella "affumicata" accompanied by grilled vegetables with pesto sauce. I was a fan. The flavor of the mozzarella is hard to describe it is so good, nor ever had I thought it could be so rich and intense. Yes the mozzarella, the same that we use often with just another addition to a salad and something that ultimately is much better than that.
I chose the mozzarella "affumicata" accompanied by grilled vegetables with pesto sauce. I was a fan. The flavor of the mozzarella is hard to describe it is so good, nor ever had I thought it could be so rich and intense. Yes the mozzarella, the same that we use often with just another addition to a salad and something that ultimately is much better than that.

Quando voltar a Itália procurarei outro Obiká para provar os outros sabores de mozzarella.
When we return to Italy I will seek another Obiká to taste the other flavors of mozzarella.
When we return to Italy I will seek another Obiká to taste the other flavors of mozzarella.
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