A escolha do nosso hotel em Roma não foi fácil, grande parte das hipóteses que nos restavam tinham preços elevados ou localizações que não nos interessavam. De várias pesquisas que tínhamos feito não conseguíamos encontrar o hotel ideal para nós até que encontrámos o Le Clarisse e já talvez com uma ponta desespero fizémos uma reserva (umas 48 horas antes da viagem).
The choice of our hotel in Rome was not easy, most of what was left had high prices or locations that do not interested us. In several searches we had done we could not find the ideal hotel for us until we found the Le Clarisse and perhaps with a hint desperation we made a reservation (about 48 hours before the trip).

Do aeroporto de Fiumicino, apanhámos um comboio que ficou uns 14€ cada, depois apanhámos um autocarro ao lado da estação que se não me falha a memória era o 40 e/ou 62. Ambos passavam na Corso Vittorio Emanuele e de ali até á rua do hotel era um instante.
A rua parecia de postais de viagem, com a típica "trattoria" de toalha de xadrez vermelha, duas bicicletas paradas junto a um atelier de moda e um Fiat 500 dos antigos estacionado mesmo em frente ao hotel. Tantos símbolos de Itália num lugar tão pequeno.
From Fiumicino airport, we caught a train that was about 14 € per ticket, then we caught a bus on the side of the station that if I remember correctly was 40 and/or 62. Both went on Corso Vittorio Emanuele and it was very quick to get from there to our hotel.
The street seemed coming out of travel postcard, with the typical "trattoria" table cloths with red plaid, two bicycles standing next to a fashion atelier and one of the old Fiat 500 parked in front of the hotel. So many symbols of Italy in a place so small.
The street seemed coming out of travel postcard, with the typical "trattoria" table cloths with red plaid, two bicycles standing next to a fashion atelier and one of the old Fiat 500 parked in front of the hotel. So many symbols of Italy in a place so small.

Mas o nosso deslumbramento durou pouco quando nos apercebemos que não conseguíamos encontrar o hotel, olhávamos para a morada, estávamos em frente á sua porta e nada indicava que ali existia o Le Clarisse. Apanhámos um susto, teríamos sido burlados pelo site onde marcámos o hotel? Não.
Um pequeno autocolante nos botões da entrada dizia que o Le Clarisse ficava no primeiro piso.
But our amazement didn't last long when we realized that we could not find the hotel, we looked at the address, we were in front it's door and nothing indicated that there existed Le Clarisse. We got scared, would have been deceived by the site where we booked the hotel? No.
A small sticker on the buttons of the entrance said that Le Clarisse was on the first floor.
A small sticker on the buttons of the entrance said that Le Clarisse was on the first floor.

Subimos as escadas, batemos á porta e chegamos á recepção, estamos mais tranquilos. O hotel existe. Abriu há uma semana e ainda não tinham colocado um letreiro que os identificasse.
O nosso quarto era exactamente igual ao que estava nas fotografias. Não estamos a falar de um hotel de grandes luxos e foi das opções mais baratas que encontrámos (278€ duas noites) dentro do centro.
Pagámos um pouco mais porque escolhemos o quarto com banheira de hidromassagem, achámos que se íamos andar por Roma a pé o nosso corpo iria agradecer a nossa escolha.
We climbed the stairs, knocked at the door and arrived at the reception, we were more relaxed. The hotel exists. It opened a week ago and had not yet placed a sign that identified it.
Our room was exactly the same as it was in the pictures. We're not talking about a large luxury hotel and it was the cheapest options we found (€ 278 two nights) within the center.
We paid a little more because we chose the room with hot tub, we felt that if we were walking through Rome on foot our body would thank our choice.
Our room was exactly the same as it was in the pictures. We're not talking about a large luxury hotel and it was the cheapest options we found (€ 278 two nights) within the center.
We paid a little more because we chose the room with hot tub, we felt that if we were walking through Rome on foot our body would thank our choice.

Vista não tínhamos, víamos um pequeno pátio e outros edificios ao lado, a vantagem era que tornava o quarto mais tranquilo e sem barulho, ainda que a rua em si também não é muito agitada.
O preço incluía pequeno-almoço, com uma variedade reduzida mas suficiente para nos preparar para as grandes caminhadas que nos esperavam. Tinham uns pequenos croissants tão bons que não vi diferença entre Roma e Paris.
We didn't had a view, we saw a small courtyard and other buildings next door, the advantage was that the room became quieter and without noise, although the street itself wasn't very agitated.
The price included breakfast, with a reduced variety but enough to prepare us for the long walks waiting for us. They had small croissants so good that we did not see a difference between Rome and Paris.
The price included breakfast, with a reduced variety but enough to prepare us for the long walks waiting for us. They had small croissants so good that we did not see a difference between Rome and Paris.

A sala dos pequenos-almoços era pequena mas acolhedora. No segundo dia conhecemos a sua empregada habitual que conversou um pouco connosco, falou do hotel e de onde tinha trabalhado antes. Aliás a simpatia era outro dos pontos fortes do hotel, talvez por ser novo todos fazem um esforço para que nada falte aos seus clientes.
Tinham por exemplo uns papéis para ajudar os clientes do hotel a identificar que autocarros iam a que atracções turísticas.
The breakfast room was small but cozy. On the second day we met the maid who chatted with us a bit, and talked about the hotel and where she had worked before. Friendliness was another of the strengths of the hotel, maybe because it is new all make an effort so that nothing is missing to their customers.
For example they had some papers to help hotel guests to identify which bus went to the tourist attractions.
The breakfast room was small but cozy. On the second day we met the maid who chatted with us a bit, and talked about the hotel and where she had worked before. Friendliness was another of the strengths of the hotel, maybe because it is new all make an effort so that nothing is missing to their customers.
For example they had some papers to help hotel guests to identify which bus went to the tourist attractions.

Ainda assim e apesar de todos os esforços, não havia Wi-fi (que anunciavam ser gratuita) que muita falta nos fez para algumas das coisas que tínhamos que tratar da viagem. Mas saímos satisfeitos e se voltasse a Roma talvez ficasse aqui outra vez. É bastante central, está a poucos passos do Panteão e dali podemos ir para qualquer lado.
Still, despite all efforts, there was no Wi-fi (that they advertised as being free) that we really needed to deal with somethings from the trip. But we left satisfied and if we go back to Rome we might stay here again. It is quite central, is just steps away from the Pantheon and we can go anywhere.
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