Construído originalmente no século I d.C., este arco foi dedicado á familia Gavi e desenhado por Lucius Vitruvius Cerdone. Originalmente estava colocado numa zona ali perto e servia de porta de entrada na cidade de Verona. Por ele passava a Via Postumia que a ligava a Roma.
Originally built in the first century AD, this arch was dedicated to family Gavi and designed by Lucius Vitruvius Cerdone. Originally it was placed in an area nearby and served as a gateway to the city of Verona. The Via Postumia that connected Rome passed by it.

Quando os franceses invadiram a Itália (durante as guerras com Napoleão), destruiram o arco mas em 1930 conseguiram reconstrui-lo com as peças originais que tinham deixado na cidade. Está agora ao lado do Castelvecchio inserido num parque com vista para o rio Ádige.
Um dos factos curiosos do arco é que por baixo estão colocadas enormes pedras de pavimento da era romana, não são muitas mas ainda assim proporcionam a experiência de pisar o mesmo chão que há dois mil anos outros caminharam por aqui para entrar ou sair de Verona.
When the French invaded Italy (during the wars with Napoleon), destroyed the arch but in 1930 they were able to rebuilt it with the original parts that were left in the city. Is now beside the Castelvecchio in a park overlooking the river Adige.
One of the curious facts of the arc is that underneath are huge paving stones from the Roman era, it's not many yet provide the experience of treading the same ground that two thousand years ago others walked by here to enter or exit Verona.
One of the curious facts of the arc is that underneath are huge paving stones from the Roman era, it's not many yet provide the experience of treading the same ground that two thousand years ago others walked by here to enter or exit Verona.
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