Creio que a primeira di Casa que apareceu estava na Infante Santo, lembro-me que tinha uma decoração moderna fugindo ao conceito normal de pizzaria da toalha de pano de xadrez vermelho e logo á entrada podíamos ver os fornos a lenha a fazerem estalar a maravilhosa massa de pizza.
Desde então que a di Casa passou a fazer parte das nossas pizzarias de sempre, quando abriram em Cascais passámos a ir a essa porque tinha menos gente que a primeira (que tinha como ponto menos favorável o barulho) e de vez em quando, para passeio íamos á do Vasco da Gama, a que fomos hoje.
I believe that the first Di Casa that appeared was in the Infante Santo, I remember it had a modern decor fleeing the concept of normal pizzeria cloth towel with red plaid and right at the entrance we could see the wood stoves to make popping the wonderful pizza dough.
Since then the Di Casa became part of our pizzerias, when it opened in Cascais we started to go there because it had fewer people than the first (which had the least favorable point the noise) and from time to time to take a walk we would go to the one in Vasco da Gama, which went today.
I believe that the first Di Casa that appeared was in the Infante Santo, I remember it had a modern decor fleeing the concept of normal pizzeria cloth towel with red plaid and right at the entrance we could see the wood stoves to make popping the wonderful pizza dough.
Since then the Di Casa became part of our pizzerias, when it opened in Cascais we started to go there because it had fewer people than the first (which had the least favorable point the noise) and from time to time to take a walk we would go to the one in Vasco da Gama, which went today.

Queríamos um restaurante com esplanada e uma boa vista, podíamos ter ido a qualquer um do centro de Lisboa é um facto mas optámos por este. Com vista para o Pavilhão Atlântico, para a Ponte Vasco da Gama e o rio Tejo, a esplanada poderia ser um pouco mais acolhedora é um facto, entendo o minimalismo mas o interior do restaurante é tão diferente do exterior que chega a desapontar.
We wanted a restaurant with outdoor seating and a good view, we could have gone to either the center of Lisbon it is a fact but we opted for this. Overlooking the Atlantic Pavilion, the Vasco da Gama Bridge and the River Tagus, the terrace could be a bit more welcoming is a fact, understand minimalism but the interior of the restaurant is so different from the outer that it is disappointing.

Pedimos o habitual "aglio", um crocante pão de alho feito com a mesma massa das pizzas com alho, alecrim e azeite. Simplesmente divino! Havia alturas que pedíamos dois cestos para duas pessoas de tão bom que é!
We asked the usual "aglio", a crunchy garlic bread made with the same dough of the pizzas with garlic, rosemary and olive oil. Simply divine! There were times that we asked two baskets for two people because it is that good!
We asked the usual "aglio", a crunchy garlic bread made with the same dough of the pizzas with garlic, rosemary and olive oil. Simply divine! There were times that we asked two baskets for two people because it is that good!

Para comer, eu pedi uma pizza Caprese, creio que cometi um erro porque não gostei muito desta pizza. Normalmente como a Calzone que desta vez pediu o marido, é um pouco pesada porque leva salame italiano e chouriço, mas teria sido melhor escolha sem dúvida porque os seus sabores intensos teriam ultrapassado a minha opção.
To eat, I ordered a Caprese pizza, I made a mistake because I did not like this pizza. Normally I have a Calzone that this time my husband order, it is a bit heavy as it takes Italian salami and chorizo, but it would have been a better choice no doubt because their intense flavors would have exceeded my choice.

Já provei várias pizzas, são feitas de ingredientes frescos o que lhes confere a sua boa qualidade para além da massa claro, mas esta não me convenceu talvez porque tinha demasiado molho de tomate e pouco desses tais ingredientes frescos.
I have tasted many pizzas, they are made from fresh ingredients which gives them their good quality in addition to the dough of course, but this did not convince me perhaps because they had too much tomato sauce and too Little os those fresh ingredients.

Para sobremesa o Petit Catu, que estava delicioso mas o ponto alto foi o gelado o que não é muito favorável. Talvez não tenha sido um bom dia para prová-lo, porque já o comemos várias vezes e esteve sempre muito acima da média.
For dessert a Petit Catu, which was delicious but the highlight was the ice cream which is not very favorable. Maybe it was not a good day to taste it, because I ate it several times and was always above average.

No final 25€ para duas pessoas, sem vinho, o que foi um bom preço na minha opinião. Continua no nosso top de pizzarias, terei que arriscar em futuras visitas comer uma pasta ou um risotto.
At the end € 25 for two, without wine, which was a good price in my opinion. Remains our top pizzerias, I'll have to venture on future visits eating pasta or risotto.
Website: http://www.dicasa.pt/
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Que magnifico aspeto e nada caro, acho que vou lá dar um saltinho :)