Talvez não tenha sido o melhor dia para visitar a Catedral, estavam a decorrer umas celebrações da Divina Misericórdia o que significa que o acesso era limitado. Várias placas indicam que durante as missas ou celebrações não podemos fazer a visita, mas todos foram entrando e fotografando (alguns com usando o flash) enquanto o bispo fazia o seu sermão.
De todas as maneiras conseguimos entrar ainda que sem poder subir á cúpula ou ver o museu.
Está em frente ao Pátio de Armas do Palácio Real e as suas arquitecturas convivem em perfeita harmonia. Foi construída entre os séculos XIX e XX e foi consagrada pelo Papa João Paulo II.
It was problably not the best day to visit the Cathedral, they were making some celebrations for the Divine Mercy which meant that the access was limited. Several signs tell you that during mass or these celebrations we can't make a tour, but everyone was getting in and taking photos (some using flash) while the bishop was doing is serman.
Anyway we were able to get in but without climbing to the dome or see the museum.
It's located in front of the Army Courtyard from the Royal Palace and their arquitectures coexist in perfect harmony. Built in the XIX and XX centuries it was consecrated by Pope John Paul II.
A sua imponente fachada contém estátuas dos apóstolos e ao centro a da santa patrona da cidade de Madrid, a Virgem de Almudena com uma coroa dourada. A cúpula é de estilo barroco.
A entrada para a Catedral faz-se pela fachada lateral que dá para a rua Bailén. Não se paga ainda que peçam um donativo de 1€. As portas são em bronze a do meio representa a sua inauguração em 1993, a sua construção demorou cerca de 110 anos com várias paragens.
Em 2004 celebrou-se aqui o casamento do Principe Felipe das Astúrias com Letizia Ortiz.
Entrando pela Catedral, a primeira coisa que nos agrada é a quantidade de luz que tem. Construída em forma de cruz latina e com um estilo neo-gótico, onde os tectos trabalhados dão um toque extra de cor e um torcicolo a quem a visita.
It's imposing façade contains statues of the apostles and at the center patron saint of Madrid, the Virgin of Almudena with a golden crown. The dome is Baroque.
The entrance to the Cathedral makes up the side facade that faces the street Bailén.It's free although it is requested a donation of 1 €. The doors are made of bronze, the middle represents its inauguration in 1993, its construction took about 110 years with several stops.
In 2004 the wedding between the Prince Felipe of Asturias with Letizia Ortiz was celebrated here.
Entering the cathedral, the first thing that pleased us is the amount of light it has. Built in the shape of a Latin cross and a neo-Gothic style, where the decorated ceilings give an extra touch of color and a stiff neck for those who visit it.
The entrance to the Cathedral makes up the side facade that faces the street Bailén.It's free although it is requested a donation of 1 €. The doors are made of bronze, the middle represents its inauguration in 1993, its construction took about 110 years with several stops.
In 2004 the wedding between the Prince Felipe of Asturias with Letizia Ortiz was celebrated here.
Entering the cathedral, the first thing that pleased us is the amount of light it has. Built in the shape of a Latin cross and a neo-Gothic style, where the decorated ceilings give an extra touch of color and a stiff neck for those who visit it.
A nave central é simplesmente grandiosa, ficámos uns bons minutos junto á porta da fachada principal para apreciar a sua dimensão, luminosidade e neste dia em particular, ver como estava cheia de crentes a assistir ás celebrações.
Na abside estão as pinturas do artista Kiko Arguello, com um estilo bizantino e representam vários momentos da história de Jesus Cristo como a crucificação e a ascenção.
A cúpula está decorada com um céu estrelado cujas cores se destacam de tudo o resto que vemos pintado nos tectos. Pelo orificio central entra a luz do sol, a estrela mais importante.
The nave is simply great, we stood a few minutes near the door of the main façade to appreciate it's size, luminosity and on this particular day, see how it was full of believers to attend celebrations.
In the apse there are the paintings of artist Kiko Arguello, in a Byzantine style and they represent various moments in the history of Jesus Christ like the crucifixion and ascension.
The dome is decorated with a starry sky whose colors stand out from everything else that we see painted in the ceilings. From the central orifice enters the sunlight, the most important star.
In the apse there are the paintings of artist Kiko Arguello, in a Byzantine style and they represent various moments in the history of Jesus Christ like the crucifixion and ascension.
The dome is decorated with a starry sky whose colors stand out from everything else that we see painted in the ceilings. From the central orifice enters the sunlight, the most important star.
Nas laterais estavam várias capelas como em todas as catedrais dedicadas as vários santos. Não entendemos se era por ser um dia especial ou se é rotineiro, mas em muitas delas padres ouviam um a um os crentes, numa conversa informal em busca de conselhos. Não nos pareceu ser como um confessionário porque normalmente são mais privados.
Pode não ser a Catedral mais bonita que alguma vez vimos, pode não ter a genialidade arquitectónica da Sagrada Familia, mas é sem dúvida um marco na cidade de Madrid, com uma construção moderna mas já com alguma carga histórica.
On the side there were several chapels like in other cathedrals dedicated to various saints. We do not understand if it was because it's a special day or if it is routine, but many priests heard believers one by one, in a casual conversation for advice. It didn't seem like a confession because usually they are more private.
It may not be the most beautiful cathedral I have ever seen, may not have the architectural genius of the Sagrada Familia, but it is undoubtedly a landmark in the city of Madrid, with a modern construction but already with some history.
Metro: Opera
It may not be the most beautiful cathedral I have ever seen, may not have the architectural genius of the Sagrada Familia, but it is undoubtedly a landmark in the city of Madrid, with a modern construction but already with some history.
Metro: Opera
Madrid/Madrid Guide
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