Situada no bairro mais bohémio de Paris - Montmartre, a Boulevard de Clichy é famosa pela sua agitada vida nocturna e o local onde podemos ver o célebre Moulin Rouge. Saímos na estação de metro de Pigalle mas a mais próxima do famoso cabaret é a Blanche.
Situated in the most bohemian district of Paris - Montmartre, the Boulevard of Clichy is famous for its bustling nightlife and where we can see the famous Moulin Rouge. We got out on the Pigalle metro station but the nearest famous cabaret is Blanche.
Situated in the most bohemian district of Paris - Montmartre, the Boulevard of Clichy is famous for its bustling nightlife and where we can see the famous Moulin Rouge. We got out on the Pigalle metro station but the nearest famous cabaret is Blanche.

Percorremos esta rua pela manhã, é claramente o oposto da noite, muito tranquila podíamos ver alguns turistas e alguns que dormiam pelos cantos do passeio central cujas árvores proporcionavam uma agradável sombra. Claramente, a noite terá sido dura para eles.
Foi pintada por Vincent Van Gogh e por ela passaram vários artistas como Degas (que viveu nesta rua), Picasso, Mondrian, Dalí, entre outros.
É também muito famosa pelas suas "sex shop" que se juntam á oferta de cabarets e shows eróticos.
We walked this street in the morning, it's clearly the opposite of the night, it was very quite now and we could see some tourists or others that were sleeping in the main promenade which trees provided a nice shade. Clearly, the night will have been hard for them.
It was painted by Vincent Van Gogh and through it walked several artists like Degas (who lived in this street), Picasso, Mondrian, Dalí, among others.
It is also very famous for its sex shops together with the erotic shows and cabarets.

Mas sem dúvida que o seu ponto de maior interesse é o Moulin Rouge, que infelizmente não conseguimos fotografar da melhor maneira porque estavam umas camionetas estacionadas em frente a abastecer para o próximo espectáculo.
O lugar onde o can-can encontrou a sua casa abriu no final do século XIX e conta com mais de 120 anos de história e de espectáculos. A 1957, Doris Haug criou as Doriss Girls que hoje em dia são cerca de 60.
But no doubt that its greatest point of interest is the Moulin Rouge, which unfortunately we couldn't take the best picture because some coaches were parked in front so they could supply for the next show.
The place where the can-can find it's home opened in the late nineteenth century and has over 120 years of history and entertainment. In 1957, Doris Haug created the Doriss Girls that nowadays are about 60.
The place where the can-can find it's home opened in the late nineteenth century and has over 120 years of history and entertainment. In 1957, Doris Haug created the Doriss Girls that nowadays are about 60.

O site: http://www.moulinrouge.fr/ contém mais informação sobre a história e os espectáculos que se podem ver, além de proporcionar visitas 360º a alguns dos espaços do interior. O espectáculo em cena é o Féerie que conta com as tais 60 Doriss Girls. Os preços vão desde os 95€ até aos 200€ (com jantar) e recomenda-se reserva online.
The site: http://www.moulinrouge.fr/ contains more information about the history and shows that you can see, besides it provides 360 º visits to some of the interior spaces. The current show is the Féerie and it has 60 Doriss Girls. The prices range from € 95 up to € 200 (with dinner) and we recommend booking online.

E que outro lugar poderia albergar o Museu do Erotismo de Paris senão esta rua?
Abriu as suas portas em 1997 e apresenta uma colecção que contém peças antigas da India e do Japão, de épocas como a pré-história onde o sexo e a religião andavam de mãos dadas.
Existe também uma exposição de arte erótica moderna, os preços dos bilhetes rondam os 8€ por pessoa e o museu está aberto até ás duas da manhã.
And who else could host the Museum of Eroticism in Paris but this street?
It opened its doors in 1997 and features a collection that contains pieces of ancient India and Japan, in times like prehistory where sex and religion went hand in hand.
There is also an exhibition of erotic modern art, ticket prices are around € 8 per person and the museum is open until two in the morning.
Website: http://www.musee-erotisme.com/
And who else could host the Museum of Eroticism in Paris but this street?
It opened its doors in 1997 and features a collection that contains pieces of ancient India and Japan, in times like prehistory where sex and religion went hand in hand.
There is also an exhibition of erotic modern art, ticket prices are around € 8 per person and the museum is open until two in the morning.
Website: http://www.musee-erotisme.com/

Também podemos ver o Bistrot Chat Noir, o herdeiro do famoso cabaret cujo o poster podemos ver em todo o tipo de "souvenirs" da cidade de Paris. O primeiro Le Chat Noir abriu 1881 na Boulevard Rochechouart, tendo mudado outra vez de localização para se instalar aqui em Clichy. Hoje funciona como Bistrot e Hotel.
We can also see the Bistrot Chat Noir, the heir of the famous cabaret whose poster you can see in any kind of souvenir of the city of Paris. The first Le Chat Noir opened in 1881 at Boulevard Rochechouart, it changed location to settle here in Clichy. Today it's used as Bistrot and Hotel.
Website: http://www.hotel-chatnoir-paris.com
We can also see the Bistrot Chat Noir, the heir of the famous cabaret whose poster you can see in any kind of souvenir of the city of Paris. The first Le Chat Noir opened in 1881 at Boulevard Rochechouart, it changed location to settle here in Clichy. Today it's used as Bistrot and Hotel.
Website: http://www.hotel-chatnoir-paris.com

Já fora de Clichy e entrando na Boulevard de Rochechouart, está a sala de espectáculos La Cigale. Abriu em 1887, na mesma altura que se começava a construir a Torre Eiffel e funcionava como um café-concerto. Hoje em dia tem uma grande oferta cultural que vai desde espectáculos musicais, a dança e teatro.
Website: http://www.lacigale.fr/
Outside of Clichy and entering the Boulevard de Rochechouart, there's the theater La Cigale. Opened in 1887, at the same time the Eiffel Tower started being built and worked as a café-concert. Today it's a great cultural offer ranges from musical performances to dance and theater.
Outside of Clichy and entering the Boulevard de Rochechouart, there's the theater La Cigale. Opened in 1887, at the same time the Eiffel Tower started being built and worked as a café-concert. Today it's a great cultural offer ranges from musical performances to dance and theater.
Além de tudo o que vimos a Boulevard de Clichy tem imensas lojas de "souvenirs" e foi aqui que encontrámos algumas gravuras de Paris a um bom preço que trouxémos para emoldurar.
Besides all that we saw the Boulevard de Clichy has good number of souvenir stores and it was here that we found some pictures of Paris at a good price that we brought for framing.
Besides all that we saw the Boulevard de Clichy has good number of souvenir stores and it was here that we found some pictures of Paris at a good price that we brought for framing.
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